On that historic FBI raid: Trump is the LION; and his GATE is now open.

This morning, I was noticing a fascinating synchronicity: the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago yesterday happened to occur on 8/8/22, the annual fabled day of the Lion’s Gate . . .

. . . when Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky — a star to which we can orient ourselves, in order to view  the entire heavens as one; the star that thus orients us to earth’s place in the larger cosmos; the star which sailers can use to navigate . . .  rises over the eastern horizon just before the Sun, on 8/8/22.

The numerology of the double 8/8 is also significant. 8 is the number of pulsing power. Turn the 8 on its side, to see through to the mystery of infinity.


Remember this meme, Trump on Lion, Putin on Bear?


Trump, with his Mars/Pluto Leo midpoint nearly exactly conjunct his (corrected) 17° Leo Ascendant, has long been associated with the Lion, who roars, and who rules.

Trump’s lavish lifestyle, embodied in Mar-A-Lago, is testament to his expressive, even bombastic Leo self-projection, his “ego”, i.e., his self-image, the exceptionally strong and prominent mask he wears for the world, and which shields him from the “slings and arrows” coming at him from every direction (incuding this unprecedent FBI raid). Yes, Leo the lion signifies Trump’s profound (Pluto) warrior (Mars) protective  ego which he can and does also use, to focus as a nozzle, a firehose, raining hellfire upon whom those who would do him wrong. No wonder  those whose own egos are fragile, hate him, for his “ego.”

So, the FBI raided, breached, one might say, the LION’S (Trump’s) GATE! on the 8/8 Lions Gate day!

Question: does Trump (or his advisors) know astrology, or numerology? If so, the date of this unprecedented corrupt event that literally turned all eyes towards the deep state’s hatred of Trump, is one massive troll.

The FBI breached the Lion’s Gate . . .

Except that Trump was not at home.

And the safe they opened was empty.

And I can’t help but imagine that Trump knew about the “raid” beforehand, and set a trap. In fact, that it’s all part of an exquisitely timed plan. Leaving papers for the FBI to take and pore through perhaps? If so, what are these papers? Related to Hunter? To Biden Crime Family? to Hillary Clinton? Obama? Epstein?

From an astute friend, with whom I shared my initial reaction that the raid was a set-up, aimed to distract the public from Pelosi and Cheneys’ obviously failing Jan 6 show trial:

Yeah, I have wondered about it myself. Part of me thought, “The first arrest will shock the world.” Will it be Trump? Then I wondered if this whole thing is for show — or — what kind of evidence he left sitting out so that they need to take it. If Wray really IS a sleeper, then that could be Hunter Biden or Joe evidence … or proof of election fraud, or who knows what.

[Q said “trust Wray.” In other words, if Q isn’t leading us astray, then Wray is a sleeper, a mole, secretly working as FBI head for “Trump and the white hats” — to take down the Deep State; thus, taking his role in the massive massive sting operation that Dave of X22 Report continually, unwaveringly, reports on.

Again, from my friend: Also, the “raid” occurred the same day that they passed the bill to increase IRS size by 87,000 agents, 70,000 of them armed. 

Now that . . . makes me shudder.

Mark Wauck, on substack, reports on various perspectives on the raid. 

And then adds a new twist to the story. Hmm, the “judge” who issued the warrant to the FBI is connected with Epstein?


But as usual, I think BioClandestine is the go-to person if you want likely big truth, or at least terrific clarification on his (and my) point of view. If you haven’t signed up on Telegram yet, please do, as his threads there are worth their weight in gold.

See posts from both last night and today.

Okay, so the Lion’s Gate has been breached, and is now open.


Oh, and . . .

Sirius, the star honored at yesterday at Lion’s Gate date, sits at 14° Cancer in the heavens. Guess what this star conjuncts, almost exactly? The U.S.A. Sun at 13° Cancer. Bingo. I have a feeling this entire imbroglio will backfire, boomerang bigly, as have all the other DNC attempts to “get Trump.” And the ramifications of the weaponized FBI’s unprecedented attempt to raid a former president will echo through the ages.

The fate of the U.S. (with its Pluto Return occurring exactly this year for the very first time), does appear to rest on one mortal man’s shoulders, whether or not we “like” him, and whether or not at this point, he even wants the honor.  It’s as if he has no choice. Nor do we, who are all feeling the rolling, accelerating effects of the deadly covid jab, not to mention inflation, flooded borders, chemtrailed skies with droughts and floods, manufactured social, cultural, religious world-view divisions among us, and constant war-drumming leading possibly to nuclear annihalation.


Oh, and BTW: I “received” a new wasp attack this morning — at least equal to the other one, this time on my right arm and hand; since I immediately took the attack seriously, I hope to stave off the worst. I’m also looking at wasp attacks as “activating female warrior energy.” OKAY!

As Kari Lake says, “bring it on!”




3 thoughts on “On that historic FBI raid: Trump is the LION; and his GATE is now open.

  1. Check this tweet out for a nice graphic from Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast about the 8/8 Lion’s Gate, and snarky comment from me 🙂


    Maybe that less than desirable event I mentioned was the raid itself on Mr T’s house, maybe it was something they planted there that they will use against him in a future arrest (as several others have opined about), or maybe it will land (as it should) squarely on the FBI… Too soon to tell. It’s kind of a moot point – there are bigger issues facing us.

    A part of those bigger issues is that you need to stop putting so much of your faith in Dave from X22. He’s a gatekeeper. This is a bitter pill for a lot of people, I know, but you and everyone else needs to know about this, now. The main website got nuked from orbit by censors the other day, but the WayBack Machine still has a copy, for now. Read it, make a copy, and share it widely…

    1. Of course your comment about Dave of X22 Report bothers me a great deal. As does, for example, David Icke’s opinion of Donald Trump.

      I have saved your oculumlabs.com post. Thank you. Will watch to see if things play out the way you say.

      Very much appreciate your need to burst my bubble. Anytime my hopefully porous and provisional framework is disturbed, I get triggered into expanding further (while keeping feet on ground and bowing to wasps. . .)

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