On the latest RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! (distraction) . . .

Distraction from what?

Oh, the wide open southern border through which pour tons of deadly fentanyl from China, plus human traffickers, some of them actually possessed, demonic, — not to mention terrorists, other criminals . . .

Oh, and the current 7.5% rate of inflation and rising.

Oh, and the three trillion dollars the billionaire “elites” have wrenched from us “deplorables” during the last two years . .  .

Oh, and the one-sided fake mainstream media propaganda that pumps up divisions and foments hate; likewise education, with CRT and SEL.

Oh, and Nancy’s fake January 6 “insurrection” investigation . . .

Oh, and the 2020 election results which, when finally made right, will likely bring down most of the current politicos in D.C. and many states, plus thousands of others . . .

Oh, and the latest, the inspiring Canadian Trucker movement that has gone world-wide and threatens to take over the U.S. and shut down even more supply chains, further damaging small businesses . . .

Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned the Covid Con, and the vaccines, their poisonous, debilitating, even deadly effects on those who consent, or are coerced, to take them, plus the continuing torture of our masked, and now jabbed children, whose likely PTSD, and medical and developmental difficulties from these past two years will likely be burned into their souls forever . . .

On and on . . . plenty of horrors to distract us from.

Besides, the banksters and weapons manufacturers want a war! Can’t we just give it to them?


This is from Celia Farber from The Truth Barrier <celiafarber@substack.com>. I have now subscribed to her posts.

On the latest RUSSIA

Every single word this Russian politician and citizen, whose grandmother lives in Ukraine, says is worth pondering.

Who has been the aggressor, all along? Not Russia: NATO, and the U.S.

Check out Nancy’s agenda here (from Mark Wauck: meaninginhistory@substack.com)— the other email list to which I’ve just subscribed:

Over the weekend funny things happened, including an interview by Nancy Pelosi at ABC with, who else, Stephanopoulos:

“Well, I think we have to be prepared for it. And that is what the president is — yes, I do believe that he is prepared for an invasion. I also understand why the President of Ukraine wants to keep people calm and that he wants his economy not to suffer. But, on the other hand, if we were not threatening the sanctions and the rest, it would guarantee that Putin would invade. Let’s hope that diplomacy works.

It’s about diplomacy deterrence. Diplomacy deterrence. And the president’s made it very clear. There’s a big price to pay for Russia to go there. So, if Russia doesn’t invade, it’s not that he never intended to. It’s just that the sanctions worked.” … “I’m very proud of the work that the president has done.”

American readers probably already know this. It reminds me of the old Russian joke about Obama: Putin was asked what it was like playing chess with Obama and Putin responded, “Well, he hops up onto the board like a chicken, flaps his wings madly, scattering the pieces all over the place, then he shits on the board and runs away claiming he won.” Or maybe it was no joke.



I can’t help but ponder how, during this excruciating years-long climax of the very first Pluto Return to its natal place in the U.S.Chart (exact Feb 22, 2022) —


— we have been witnessing (and laughing in disbelief, crying in despair) over how the hegemonic use of American power, projected so forcefully and destructively for hundreds of years, is now unravelling, transmogrified at the blithering end into the fraudulent, potemkin installation of a likely double (actor) on a fake White House stage set pretending to be the demented, bumbling (formerly human?) Joe Biden, who, with his crack-addicted son Hunter has had his creepy, greedy hands in the till of Ukrainian politics and economics ever since he,  Joe, aka “the big guy,” was VP in the Obama administration.

Profound Plutonian corruption has been vomiting up from the subterranean depths to the surface during this extraordinary slow-moving Pluto Return to the United States chart, for the whole wide world to see and gawk at, grateful that finally, comeuppance has arrived, and therefore, hopefully, justice, a radical rebalancing of human civilization on this 3D planet of free will.

Will the U.S. corporatocracy learn from this first return of Pluto to take its place as one among equals rather than bullying its way to plunder whatever it wants while pretending to be the world’s savior and ignoring any treaty it signs?

Will our beloved nation even survive?

Should it?

Can it return to the original constitutional principles upon which it was founded as a Republic?

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