PEACE ON EARTH IS WITHIN REACH, if and when enough of us become consciously aware of and choose to transform our own warlike nature

Reminder: On this powerful Full Moon day and Global Peace Meditation. I will observe this meditation, beginning at 3:44 PM EDT, with my stricken son Colin Cudmore, in his room at Majestic Care.

A Bird in the Hand, Mr. Fish


These three people I choose to inform me now:


Elizabeth Nickson: Given that her father was put in charge of a “work camp” for Jews after World War II and her mother was subjected to MK Ultra mind control experimentation, Nickson is nobody’s fool. Here’s her perspective on how the current slaughter is being used to further mind control humanity into stunned oblivion.


This is Israel’s American-planned-and-financed Color Revolution


Jonathan Cook: I hate to admit it, but I had never heard the phrase “settler-colonial” state until today. And Cook shows how deeply meaningful is this phrase.

With Hamas gone, Gaza still wouldn’t be free

As a classic settler-colonial state, Israel is doing the only thing it knows how to do. So long as the West keeps cheerleading, that includes genocide


Chris Hedges: Riffing further on “settler colonial state,” this from the passionate, deeply seasoned, war correspondent whom I remember discovering during the all-too-brief “99 percent” revolt in 2011.

Exterminate All the Brutes

All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate.



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