Personal Reflections on IDENTITY, SEXUALITY, THE BODY in Our Increasingly Woke World

When I was a girl, I wanted to be a boy. Why? Because boys had more choices in life. That was obvious, back in the 1950s. I wanted to become a doctor; my dad, himself a doctor, kindly suggested I become a nurse. I didn’t want to become a wife, or a mother; wives were subsidiary to husbands, and mothers had no independent life of their own.

On the inside, I felt more like a boy than a girl. Liked the fact that they weren’t so concerned with “appearances” as girls were. I was exploratory, adventurous; or at least a part of me was. The part that “identified” with these qualities within myself.

Puberty (which arrived late, at 16), and within four years, marriage and motherhood, changed all that. Suddenly, I was slotted into two roles that I pretty much despised as guaranteeing loss of personal freedom.

Much of my adult life was spent working through all that, bumbling through, I should say, with hurt feelings, and long-time wounds all around, in myself, my children, various lovers and husbands.

Along the way, I discovered Jung and astrology, both of which I absorbed wholeheartedly; both of which helped me make sense of my own somewhat masculine personality, despite my female body.

Jung spoke of the inner marriage between male and female; that biological men have an internal feminine anima, and women, a masculine animus. And furthermore, that one’s task, during midlife, is to discover and honor that repressed unconscious aspect of the larger self, on the way to full integration of the opposites. This integration, he termed “individuation.”

Astrology taught me that individuals have unique energetic imprints that play out through time. That these imprints contain both masculine and feminine qualities. That from looking at someone’s chart, one cannot tell whether a person was born male or female. Some men’s imprints contain more feminine qualities, and vice versa, some women’s imprints contain more masculine qualities.

In astrology, the elements fire and air are seen as masculine (assertive, dominant, aggressive, courageous), whereas water and earth are feminine (receptive, sensitive, pliable, nurturant).

I was born with Sun, Ascendant, and Mars, all in fiery, exploratory, even fierce Sagittarius. Plus, my chart contains only one planet in a watery sign. No wonder, as a kid I felt more like a boy than a girl. No wonder I had great difficulty being a mother! No wonder I’ve always found it decidedly unnatural to “follow” anyone, including any partners.

So. What if I had been born in a later era, in an era, say, where “identity” is claimed, indeed trumpeted, not on the obvious basis of biology (with “spectrums” of male and female capable of being described both astrologically and in a Jungian manner), but but on the basis of a more and more complex ideology dictated by hive mind that others must pay attention to in addressing me so that I won’t get triggered? In other words: if I feel like a victim, then it’s your fault.

Would I have succumbed to the now utterly absurd prevailing doctrine?

I certainly hope not.

Consider this headline, from today, page three of the local Herald-Times:

The article goes on to use the phrase “pregnant person” or “person” instead of “woman” a number of times. So the title was no accident. The Herald-Times is now woke. I ask myself, should I drop my subscription? Or should I keep it, as a socio-cultural record of local descent into either absurdity or madness, take your pick.

The conspiratorial thinker in me knows: the increasing confusion of biological sexuality is being sowed deliberately by whoever is running the show (likely off-world AI) with the aim of eliminating biological conception altogether. On our way to transhumanism, where humans.2 will function as mere robots in a globalist corporatocracy, with robot replacement via cloning or other suitable technological means.

But back to the present moment . . .

I confess, sometimes I get linguistically confused:  “trans”, “non-binary, “cis” etc.. How to define these strange terms? I decided to educate myself, going down the LGBTQ+ rabbit hole.

Let’s start with this, Josh Hawley interviewing a woke, know-it-all, female professor. Intense, even grueling.

BTW: Brian Cates exposes some of her hypocrisy . . . Hmmmm . . . did she just “woke up” in the past two years?

Okay. But what do all those weird words she used actually mean?

This, from

Trans and Nonbinary People Can Be Pregnant Too

Okay, I get it.

Translation: That’s because, underneath their chosen labels (oops, “identities”) both trans and nonbinary folks might be biological women, dummy!

I tried to go further into researching the origins of all these weird labels. Here’s one for “cis-gender”

TRACING TERMINOLOGY: Researching Early Uses of Cisgender”

Okay. Whatever! No matter when that particular term started, I cannot help but trace all this back to when feminism began to invade the university. According to the author of this article, written in 1990— haven’t read it yet —that was already 30 years ago! Keep in mind, I was a chest-thumping “feminist” back then. I celebrated all of it, all the hype.

Okay, here’s more on academic infiltration, and, “thank the goddess,” pushback! Thank you, Carole K Hooven.

Biology Lecturer’s Comments on Biological Sex Draw Comments









3 thoughts on “Personal Reflections on IDENTITY, SEXUALITY, THE BODY in Our Increasingly Woke World

  1. I really like Dr Heather Heying’s take on all this. She is an evolutionary biologist (married to Bret Weinstein, same profession), a mother, a cisgender straight white female who has taught and advocated for trans students before she & Bret lost their jobs for not being woke enough. Took students to the Amazon rainforest to study biology. Not a wimpy woman! She’s corresponded w Abigail Schrier, who wrote a book on the current craze. Heather & Bret do the Dark Horse Podcast & have been deplatformed at times (an honor most people I follow have had done to them).

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