Pluto in Leo Generation Still Drinks the Kool-Aid? Ben and Jerry? Me?


You’d think that, of all the Pluto generations, Pluto in self-expressive, do-my-thing, leonine Leo (1938-1958) would be most sovereign, the most resistant to outside influences. But no . . .

What got me thinking about our generational complicity was this Ben and Jerry meme. Instantly, I wondered, was this capitulation, in order to go along with the crowd for capitalist reasons?

No. I’m afraid not.  They’ve been espousing “leftist” causes all along, just like I did, until the left kept transmogrifying to the point where it was unrecognizable. Glad RFK Jr. is calling himself a “Kennedy Democrat,” hearkening back to when saner heads prevailed.


Yep. The usual PC whiplash karma. Get woke, go broke. Or, at least, get embarrassed!


So sad, my generation, my Pluto in Leo generation, “what’s left of us” (hehe) going woke? Huh? Tell me it ain’t so. Tell me that, besides RFK Jr. there are still a few of us alive and kicking, a few of us who didn’t die prematurely from our ’60s excesses, or now frail, exhausted, way too thin or way too fat . . . benumbed by disabilities, diseases, brought on by former(?) addictions to sex, drugs (Big Pharma and other), rock n’ roll alcohol, money and materialism; a few of us born 1938 through 1958, who are also not locked into yet another narcissistic hive mind silo; a few of us oldsters who actually DO know ourselves as sovereign souls, taking cues from the inside not the outside, serving as open-hearted conduits for the infinite Love that fills and fuels the universe.  

Was talking yesterday morning with an old friend of mine, Janet, also Pluto in Leo, though, like Ben, Jerry, and RFK Jr., more or less ten years younger than myself; in fact she was born with Pluto directly on her Leo Ascendant! . . . here’s an old photo Janet sent me, some kind of drama we were performing on stage during our then annual community-concocted Jackson Hole Winter Solstice Celebration . . . Janet’s dramatic Leo star shining!

On the phone between Indiana and South America yesterday, after our regular Sunday meditation, we were discussing why it may be that, unlike our perception of other friends from our decades there, she and I actually do move through this world as sovereign souls — so much so that neither of us was ever even tempted to buy into that diabolically clever, utterly absurd, globally rolled-out NWO psy-op, the Covid Con.

We wonder if our hard-won sovereign status may have something to do with each of us having agreed, on a soul level, to endure extremely difficult relationships with Plutonian “power-over” people — life lessons from those who would pretend to be good in order to secretly get their way, and whom we naturally trusted (dreamy Neptune in Libra also generational!), but who then proved to be gaslighting us all along, sometimes for years! 

She and I, since then, each working in isolation, wondering at times if we were crazy, actually succeeded in consciously facing, embracing, and integrating such experiences of our projected shadows to the point of authentic “empowerment”; so much so that, even though personal Pluto in Leo dramas with those who would pretend to be good do tend to repeat, given our naturally trusting, and yet now older/wiser personas, they do so much faster, and touch us not nearly so profoundly. In fact, many times we just start laughing during our now weekly phone calls.

And collective dramas the so-called overlords want to roll out next? Forget it. Sovereign souls see right through the hype. 

At least let’s hope so. Listened to an Joseph Mercola interview with Celia Farber in the middle of last night.

How, when a journalist only 19 years old, like another rare independent journalist, Jon Rappoport, she started to investigate what was really going on with the particulars of the so-called AIDS epidemic, and the HIV “test” that, if “positive,” supposedly “caused” AIDS sooner or later; the deadly AZT prescribed to treat “it,” how Fauci’s involvement and attitude then against gays mirrored exactly what he (working for whom? the WHO?) directed to roll out with the invisible, lethal “virus,” tests, and often terminal Big Pharma products (including vaccine) used to generate F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) in the global rollout of the Covid Con — this one with the aim of depopulating the entire world. (RFK Jr. also discusses this parallel involvement in his extraordinary revelatory book, The Real Anthony Fauci.)

Unfortunately, this podcast was so damn interesting that it kept me awake all the way through. And, it brought me back to that time, when I was genuinely fearful of my own sexual nature, due to possible contamination from a dear male lover who, I discovered, was gay, using me in public as his cover, or “beard.” An awful time; so much silence, so much shame, guilt, inner bottled fury, silence, secrets kept on both sides. Obviously, the hype worked on me then, big time.

Older, wiser, yes. But only because I do, apparently, learn from experience. Grateful.



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