My Sunday Morning LAF Meditation . . .

Son Colin said he wanted to do his meditation out on his outdoor couch. Okay. So I set up on the screened porch here. This is the fifth Sunday in a row, starting with the Full Moon in Leo, August 2

Third Sunday Meditation, LOVE ALCHEMIZES FEAR: with son Colin!

I must say, I am so glad Colin suggested we do our regular meditation every Sunday morning, at 8 AM. SO much better than doing it at the exact moment of each quarter Moon. For three reasons: 1) we

My Sunday LAF meditation turns decidedly personal . . .

An old friend, Janet, now located in South America, and I got together again over the phone for our weekly Sunday 8 AM (your time zone) LAF meditation. Recognizing that the entire world has been in

(My) Second Sunday Meditation — Love Alchemizes Fear: PLUS WARNING!

I expected the two women who were with me the first time to come, but they did not. However, both puppy Shadow and kitty Tiger showed up. After cleansing with sage and lighting a candle, I went imm

Sunday Meditation tomorrow: IVERMECTIN is TABOO; therefore, IVERMECTIN is KEY

Nearly two weeks ago, when we were making plans to begin a regular Sunday Meditation at 8:02 AM August 22,  the time of the exact Full Moon at 29° in Lion-Hearted Leo, conjunct Regulus, King of t

Sunday LAF Meditation, October 3, 2021: Janet (in Ecuador) and I get together, as promised

It turns out that son Colin did not join me for today’s meditation. I was secretly glad, since I had something planned for it that not many people could handle. I knew Janet was one of them.

On this morning’s -18° F wind chilled walk, I bow down in gratitude

  Walking this morning, without puppy Shadow, except for.a brief foray for him to poop. He was way too reluctant, in this extreme cold, -1° F, with wind chill plunging to -18° F. But me! I r