POST ELECTION: Red Wave? No. Red Ripple . . . Meaning? What’s Next?


Yes, as I predicted yesterday, it’s not over. Still lots of ballots to count in various states.

The shock: for me, that it was NOT a red wave; that the cheating this time was exactly like last time . . .

. . and may even work in Arizona).

And the confusion? Again for me . . . Arizona especially, zone zero for U.S. elections since 2020, says — with gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs opposing our hero Kari Lake officially heading up the election process in that state (what???) —  that they may not have results until Friday.

Friday? Huh? How many votes will they make up before then to make sure Katie wins? What a crock!

And yet — more confusion . . . DJT himself appears optimistic.

But wait a minute . . .

So I guess the confusion results when you really did expect a red wave, resulting in control of both House and the Senate. And you really didn’t expect cheating to be off the charts again?

I’m talking about myself, as much as anyone else. Here are a few more twitter posts that swing back and forth . . .

I do still feel (astrologically, see previous posts) that the confusion will wear on and on at least until Jupiter turns to go direct on November 23 or until the end of the month when Mars finally leaves the festering “triangle of continuous growth” with Jupiter/Neptune and Pluto — which keeps providing friction (square) between propulsive data points (Mars in Gemini) and smearing of such (Neptune/Jupiter in Pisces), requiring continuous adjustment (inconjunct) to deep state requirements (Pluto in Capricorn), resulting in (trine) “harmony” between Mars and Pluto: i.e., the original friction/adjustment harmonizes, producing another layer of deep state complexity.

And you know what? That things are so unsettled and confusing may actually be a good thing, in that it dissipates the furious forward Mars in Gemini energy, buttressed by “facts” needed for civil war. If we’re all waiting around for “the final results,” hoping, hoping, hoping, and then likely deflated (Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces) in the end, by that time, we might be so discouraged we’ll just crawl back in bed to suck our thumbs and die (Pluto in Capricorn: genocidal intent).

Or, as a dear friend of mine opined this morning, via meme:



Oh never mind.

Hell no.

I’m in it for the long haul.

(That long haul may be relatively short, given that my 80th birthday is coming right up.)

Okay, well then I’ll drop in from other dimensions, to shove aside ET monsters.


Or, as Burning Bright put it this morning, in an unusually comprehensive substack post,  viewing both detailed facts and fluctuating feelings within a larger, longer perspective:



Picking Up and Moving Forward

in the Light of a New Day


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