RUSSELL BRAND, NEPTUNE’S AVATAR, Suddenly Burns Up the Media/Medical/Military Industrial Complex.


And he does so in just about one minute. (See the finale of the short video at very end of this post). NOW. During the magnificent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in Aries, which, if you haven’t seen it yet in the sky, though separating, is still visible, shortly after sunset.



Not surprisingly, this powerful Venus/Jupiter conjunction, which, one might say, serves to expansively ignite a new, loving, unifying energy, just happens to conjunct Russell Brand’s natal Moon/Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. And . . . that’s not all. In doing so, it also lights up his entire harmonious Mystic Cross configuration that links Mars/Jupiter/Moon/Pluto/Neptune/Sun.

BTW: If you are mostly unfamiliar with astrology, once again, I say, don’t worry, you’ll get the gist, plus will possibly begin to open to the magnificence of how the Above does correlate with the Below, thus revealing life on Earth to be decidedly, unfailingly, and mysteriously . . . Neptunian!

Please be aware, that like many who refuse to be framed up by the matrix, Russell Brand supposedly “suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder.” In “fitting into” these western medical diagnostic categories, he reminds me of another brilliant, fearless contrarian, she who is also currently burning up the internet with Truth, Roseanne Barr.

Here’s his chart:

And here’s one discussion of the Mystic Rectangle:

Now, why do I call him Neptune’s Avatar? Well check out his chart, above. Sun in rapid-fire, fact-oriented, always curious Gemini, closely opposes spiritual Neptune in far-reaching, seeking-ever-expanding perspective Sagittarius.

And remember, Neptune is also the signature of deception, illusion, addiction, manifesting in one who has great trouble tolerating the extreme differential between the ideal — oneness, mystery, communion — and the contentious, separatist, individualistic, narcissistic, egocentric civilization into which we have all been born. As an avatar, Russell Brand situates himself, and his own life experience, directly in the alchemical cauldron of Neptune’s domain.

If you’re like me, someone who is just beginning to focus in on Russell Brand as someone to pay close attention to as humanity’s great revelation, the Great Awakening, proceeds, you might, like me, also want to check out his profile here, which details his troubled childhood: a difficult kid, raised by a single mom as an only child, sexually abused by a tutor, on and on . . .

He tells us that he got addicted at age 19, the very age when eruptive Uranus, originally in Libra, closely squaring Venus/Descendant in Cancer, by transit, crisscrossed over his Capricorn Ascendant/Descendant axis! I can imagine how that eruptive energy (originally signifying his eruptive relationship with family, especially his mother, who raised her only son all by herself) surfaced in a big way, so powerful that of course, at that age he couldn’t help but seek to calm, to pacify that volcanic energy, by whatever means available.


And, what’s really interesting to me, is that, when he went into recovery, at age 27, transit Neptune (ruling both addiction and spirituality, communion, remember) reached 8-10° Aquarius, and thus, in combination with all the planets off his natal Mystic Cross, temporarily created a Grand Sextile, also known as Star of David: six planets, all sextile one another, around the chart, connected across the chart by three oppositions.

Russell Brand does have an “intense, hard aspect,” remember, from Venus, conjunct the Descendant, in loving, sensitive Cancer, to eruptive, volatile Uranus in Libra. This aspect, which triggered his fall into addiction, is very close, and likely especially reflects his relationship to his mother, who remember, raised him, a difficult only child, all by herself.

In sum, his eruptive natal Uranus square Venus/Descendant, triggered and fueled his calamitous fall into Neptunian addiction at 19 when it — transit Uranus — criss-crossed the Ascendant (and opposed Venus/Descendant, squared natal Uranus); then, at age 27, one might say that “the hand of God intervened” when Neptunian addiction gave way to an even more powerful configuration when transit spiritual Neptune reached the area of Aquarius that illuminated his original Mystic Cross and temporarily integrated his entire chart into a very rare Grand Sextile Star of David.

On freeing himself from addictions:

Okay, here’s the recent appearance with Bill Maher that went utterly viral, and did so, as Venus/Jupiter, lighting up the evening sky in Aries, triggered his original Grand Sextile. I’d say that Russell Brand, blessed by transits of first Uranus at 19, which turned him into an addict, and then Neptune at 27, which lifted him to the possibilities of genuine communion beyond addiction, has, within that single rapid-fire minute, newly birthed (Aries) a loving (Venus) expansive (Jupiter) unifying (Neptune) energetic on this long suffering planet, Earth.

Oops! It looks like that video has now been pulled. Just as I went to publish it here!. . . See if you can find that video. Originally published 3/3/23.

Okay, here’s Russell Brand’s reaction to that show with Bill Maher. Haven’t watched it yet myself.

Aha! Here it is again. Wonder if it will be allowed to stay up this time.


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