SATURN IN PISCES: Has the U.S. Degenerated into “A Culture of Casual Cheating”?


It would seem so. The phrase is from a 3/6/23 article in the WSJ, “College Should Be More Like Prison”  wherein the author, a former college professor who now instructs inmates, notes their serious dedication, their hunger for learning, which she realizes, likely is related to them not being infected by technologies that generate what’s app, cheat sheets, and now chatgpt.

But it’s not just college students . . . The Tucker Carlson revelations (remember: the word apocalypse means revelation) as to the Truth embedded in the J6 videos have turned the tables upside down. Thanks to Tucker’s newly gained access to the J6 archives, videos forbidden by the J6 kangaroo court show trial now make their way into the public eye, to the extreme consternation of both Democrats and RINO Republicans, who prefer lies to truth, their own sniveling cowardice to the courage of conviction.

Tucker: The commitment to lying in DC is deep and bi-partisan.

Celia Farber shared this post by 2nd smartest guy in the world, which not only details the remarkable Tucker Carlson monologues and videos, but also lets us know that Tucker himself is being censored by his network, and may have to find other ways to get more of what he has discovered out to the public.

J6 Video Footage Further Proves that the Federal Government

is Illegitimate and Criminal


I notice the cultural erosion of integrity here where I live. Not in this place, Green Acres Permaculture Village, but all around us, and even in people who “apply” to live here and turn out to be liars, schemers, cheaters in one way or another. Never before have I found myself needing to check out every single situation carefully so as not to be scammed! It’s not just the internet, either, that has made this possible. The erosion of the dedication to the love of Truth, a core foundational value for both individual sovereignty and authentic community, has been ongoing for decades. Who knows when it began? As Wittgenstein once put it: “It’s hard to go back to the beginning and not to further back.”

I can remember, as a kid in the 1950s, when life was structured and clear. Clear consequences for breaking rules, whether god’s commandments, or civil laws, or school rules or family rules. Do this, and that happens to you. Law of karma. This cause produces that effect. There is safety, security, in having a clear structure to operate within. (No wonder the imprisoned love to learn! No distractions. Plus, their daily needs for food and shelter, increasingly threatened on the outside, are taken care of.)

Somewhere along the way, the link between cause and effect dropped out of awareness . . . Integrity dissolved into a “culture of casual cheating.” The result? Genuine community, communication, connectedness, have all been eroding for decades. What? What happened to us?

How can we return to what we once knew? I suggest that this return will require that we open  to a reality larger, fuller, more mysterious, than that of being mere indoctrinated consumers of mechanistic materialism, an entrenched ideology that still rules our universities, our corporations, our so-called govern-ments (govern minds). This larger, fuller, more mysterious world is that of Truth, the Love of Truth, itself the basis for genuine human contact that can grow and evolve and deepen, offering the fruits of aliveness, continuously, effortlessly shedding and spreading abundance to all.



Saturn, which governs the karmic law of cause and effect, moved into Pisces two days ago, only one hour after the Full Moon in Pisces. Disciplined, structural, formal, rule-bound Saturn has left mental crazy cooperative chaotic Aquarius for sensitive watery addictive escapist Pisces, to remain in that oceanic (wishy-washy) spiritual (deceptive), divine (illusory) sign until February 2026.

With Saturn in Pisces, it is imperative (a Saturn word) that we begin to structure our lives to include the more nebulous — from a Cartesian/Newtonian scientistic point of view — reality of SPIRITUALITY, that which lies beyond material form; a dedication (Saturn word) to a higher purpose (Neptune in Pisces, the oceanic bliss that surrounds us if we but let go of our small ego minds, for even a millisecond, to become present, in hushed silence, surrendered to the whole).

For me, this means to continue long-held daily patterns of various forms of meditation (yoga/chikung/taichi), plus daily morning walks with puppy Shadow wherein I aim to get and remain silent within, so that I, my busy monkey mind, can open open open — to the caressing breeze, the whistling wind, the sun’s warmth, the robins mating calls, the hawks and galaxies wheeling overhead.

And then, when I meet someone walking towards us, I smile, eyes shining with gratitude to greet such a one. Unless fatally distracted, isolated, lonely, due to active cell phone addiction, this so-called “other” not only smiles back, but waves, even greets me aloud. Speaks. We speak, mediated by our emissary, puppy Shadow. One second, or one minute later, we both continue on our way, hearts expanded, lifted, thrilled to have truly been fully present with and for each other as authentic beings in a universe full of suffering.

And remember, Truth is even more remarkable. In fact, there’s no end to the mystery inside.

Compassionate Water (The Great Bell Chant)



One thought on “SATURN IN PISCES: Has the U.S. Degenerated into “A Culture of Casual Cheating”?

  1. Timothy Glenn used that Rumi quote about the drop in the ocean in our Pluto in Aquarius video, which ended up also talking quite a bit about Saturn in Pisces!

    We see the combination of Saturn in Pisces + Pluto in Aquarius as very conducive to breakthroughs, as those old control structures dissolve at the same time we’re called to a deepening spirituality. Hopefully, this will also spill over to the attention economy, bite sized Tik Tok/shorts that have taken over everything. Depth–of spirit, social media, friendships, etc. Haven’t we had enough bread and circuses?!

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