Saturn reached Pluto in January 2020; what happened next? FEAR PORN.

That fear porn is still on the loose, though very vaguely, and due to completely disappear when Pluto makes its final move from Capricorn into Aquarius, later this year.

In March 2020, nearly four years ago, the Covid Con began to ramp up. Of course, I knew something powerful was coming, given that Saturn had reached Pluto in Capricorn back in mid- January 2020, for the first time in 35 years.

Saturn’s role with Pluto is to “make real,” i.e., give structural form to Pluto’s death/rebirth function. And wouldn’t you know, only two months later, the entire world was notified all at once that a deadly (Pluto) virus was on the loose, and that it required new (Saturn) rules. In order to avoid the virus, we must isolate ourselves inside; and when out in public, wear masks, and stay six feet away from others.

With these absurd new Saturnine rules, I knew instantly, with every fiber in me, that something was up. Something nefarious. Something designed to put suggestible humans in fear, fear, FEAR.

F.E.A.R.: False Evidence Appearing Real.

If people can be made to be afraid, then they will more easily move into compliance, and follow orders. Fear is the ultimate weapon of the New World Order that aims kill off most of us (rumor has it that the covid jab has killed 17 million people so far) and turn the rest of us into robotic slaves.

And because most people still assume, with Descartes, that I THINK, THEREFORE I AM (therefore only my thinking is me), we were ripe for the covid propaganda. Why? Because most people treat their own bodies as separate from their real selves. Thus, if and when our bodies do “get sick,” and drag us, that is, our minds, down into some kind of painful morass, we assume outside experts (i.e., Big Med/Big Pharma) will be required to fix, ie., cure.


So there we were, back in March 2020, being told over and over again, by the tel-lie-vision and MSM, that there was a terrible virus on the loose, and that we needed to be very very afraid, plus follow all directions by outside experts, in order to not “get it.”

I think of Saturn as  the human-made rules that we are instructed to accept and to follow. Rules, in this case, about “the body,” which, we need to realize, is synonymous with the unconscious mind. (See Groddeck: The Book of the IT.)

Pluto then, as the profound power held within the unconscious mind.

Once we realize the relationship between Saturn’s “rules” and Pluto’s profound power, and how those rules serve to disguise, control, or deny that power, we will recognize that we need to get to know our bodies, need to truly re-member (put together again) our full selves as embodied beings. 

The body itself, is coterminous with the mysterious, interwoven natural world. Our bodies function as Nature’s antennae, and they resonate with one another.

And if the body is the outpicturing of the unconscious mind, and if the body is a part of Nature, then the personal unconscious mind bleeds into the mass unconscious mind.

When they rolled out Fear Fear F.E.A.R. in March 2020, there were times when I noticed even myself tempted to succumb to the subtle, strong, fearful currents invisibly swirling through the collective. Noticing how F.E.A.R. was attempting to invade me — I would laugh, to shake it off.

And so now, here we are, four years later.

So glad Pluto is about to change signs.

Fear as a fucking “virtue” will become passé.


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