Sleep ruined by penetrating discussion of the TRANS IDEOLOGY. Grateful.


Late yesterday evening, I came across this post on twitter/X, which immediately got my attention. Why? Because I knew anything that “gobsmacks” Jennifer Bilek, would do the same to me, given that the spider web economics of the trans agenda is her “subject area of expertise.” And wow! Two and a half utterly intense hours later, starting at 12 midnight, I was finally done. And every single minute was worth listening to, absorbing, attempting to integrate with what I had already understood.

Bilek now says she wants to find the time to listen to it again. Me too.

I don’t know which is more impressive, the passionate intensity of “public intellectual” Jordan Peterson, who has been on to this horrific  phenomenon that aims to mutilate children for many years, or the calm, studied reasonableness of journalist Michael Shellenberger, who only recently, he admits, gained the “courage” to both see and address it. Plus, I have never, even from Bilek, seen the trans ideology discussed with such profound psychological, sociological, and epistemological penetration into the still lingering “enlightenment” value system that opened the door to this utterly evil agenda that aims to rob children of their natural growth process through puberty and humanity itself of its ability to reproduce, and therefore to continue as a species on planet Earth.

Here’s Bilek:

And here is the discussion on youtube. Will be allowed to stay up?


BTW: yesterday, before encountering the above, I had just decided that anytime someone who wants to be viewed as the sex opposite to that of the body into which he or she was born, gets furious with me for inadvertently using the “wrong” pronoun, I am simply going to tonally express equal fury back. No more, no less. I might even warn the person that this is what I will do if inadvertently “caught” using the “wrong” pronoun. I’m done with political correctness. Done with being “embarrassed for them” and thus ” wanting to quickly change the subject.”

By remaining polite, I thereby go along with their narcissistic demands.

By expressing equal fury back, I hand them a mirror.

Will this help anyone wake up to his or her own specific embodiment and let go of totalitarian demands that everyone around him or her obey their narcissistic demands? Likely not. At least not at first.

But what if everyone did this, simply mirrored back to these folks what they are projecting?

What would happen then?

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