Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and more: WATCH YOUR TONGUE, ANN!

Confession. It’s getting more difficult for me to “hold my tongue.” In fact, I’ve failed on several occasions in the past 18 hours, one of which I detail below.

Meanwhile, of course this morning I wondered why this volatility is arising, not just within the world, but within me so strongly right now, until I looked at a section of the chart for this moment. One of the configurations is impersonal,  Sun at 12° Taurus forming a conjunction with eruptive Uranus at 14° Taurus. The conjunction to move into exactness in two days, then begin to separate out by the end of the week.

So hold on, Ann. Breathe! No matter what the rest of the world is “doing,” your job is “being,” peacefully, calmly, present — while praying for deliverance from the cult madness that has infected the human race with no  signs of stopping, given that the lying MSM propaganda machine switched us from Covid fear porn to Ukraine (nuclear war) fear porn, literally overnight!

Meanwhile, speaking of Sun’s annual illumination of long-running (seven years) Uranus in earthy Taurus, how about this? In today’s local paper, front page, top right: “Geologists discover unmapped fault” — near here.  Whee!

The single most crucial fault-line, the one that radiates out from its endless, infinite source, is of course, the one that runs within me: the line between good and evil (light and shadow; love and fear).

I’ve come to realize, over my nearly 80 years, that when I do try to destroy or deny the “evil” part of my heart, then that gets projected onto others, and invites conflict, war. Each time, I strive to take back the projection, come to terms with it, integrate it, BECOME WHOLE. Over and over again, as long as I truly live (“evil” spelled backwards!) in this squirmy body upon this 3D planet.

So to my “confession,” utterly natural for a recovering (saintly) Catholic . . .

Last night I was on the phone with my dear old friend Claudia, who, despite getting the first set of jabs in 2020, didn’t go back for a booster, thanks to having had to come to terms with what Fauci did to her coterie of gay friends when she lived in San Francisco’s Castro District back in the ’80s. Yep. AZT, the supposed cure, killed.

But I was wrong. Last night she told me she’s “on the fence,” re covid; thinks, “There really is (was?) a pandemic.”

Well, hearing that one remark from her — especially, due to my assumption for two years now that she was the one close friend of mine who had actually stepped through the mirage — I got so furious that I about burst a blood vessel! (Metaphor? Not sure.)

I shot back, enraged, “That is completely false. I know it. Have done much deeper research than you have.”

WOW! She, stunned, rightly admonished me, intoning slowly that nobody knows the whole truth, that this is what her sources are saying, and she tends to believe them.

Me, equally stunned, at both my outburst and her deep-voiced reply, instantly recognized the horror in what I had done, and said — but in a clipped tone, still triggered, biting my tongue — “Thank you, for the correction. You’re right. Nobody does.”

Which, I think, surprised her, given the extreme vitriol stemming from my assumed “superiority of knowledge” moments before.

And it certainly surprised me. The entire exchange did — including my lashing out, her grounded, full-of-feeling response, and my instant, but guarded, and still testy, fiery, turnaround.

We walked back from that ghastly cliff from that moment on. However, the exchange sobered me considerably. I really DO have to watch my tongue. I really DO tend to identify with my mind (my left brain; my ego).

Oh, and BTW, in the section of this morning’s chart above, notice where communicative Mercury sits, at 2° Gemini, exactly upon my natal Gemini Uranus and opposite my natal Sagittarian Mars. Bingo! Timing of the encounter exact. And now the Moon is about to cross it. Hopefully I will receive some kind of dim lunar illumination as to how my emotional body (the Moon, but in the mental sign of Gemini) is, for now, taking its cue from my volatile mental body (Mars/Uranus in Gemini/Sagittarius, plus Sun/Ascendant in Sagittarius) which, in its endless quest for continuously expanding Sagittarian perspective (right brain) to frame, and thus explain and connect all the Gemini dots my left brain discover/uncovers within it, needs my earthy, security-oriented Taurus Moon at 23° Taurus (exactly conjunct North Node) in order to sink my wounded, embodied soul into her fertile soil, so nourishing and healing. Thank you dear Mother Earth! May I learn to be at-one with your regenerative beauty, the bliss of springtime re-membrance.

Heading out, into the garden, NOW.

This morning’s view from the front porch.







2 thoughts on “Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and more: WATCH YOUR TONGUE, ANN!

  1. Ahh Ann, aren’t you a courageous soul to share your reactivity! I too can be a know-it-all, having spent 10 years digging into disclosure topics and discerning what is truth. And when I speak out, as you did, I too regret it.

    I’m much better now at allowing others to be right, because my heart wants to be loving, listening and compassionate. My ego may want to be right, but I want to be happy and hold onto my relationships. But I can still do it, and then I forgive myself and eat some crow.

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