Taking a Birthday Break, after this one final offering: IMPLICATIONS OF UFO IN THE BIBLE


This will be my last post until (probably) Friday, December 22rd.

During the interim I am going on a three day break (Dec 18-20) to Canyon Inn, set in McCormick’s Creek State Park, one of the beautiful forested features of In-Diana (goddess of the woodlands!). 16-year-old puppy Shadow and I will hike its many trails, cross its rock-strewn streams, view its scampering winter animals in subtle winter colors.

Then, on the 21st, we will hold a Winter Solstice Community Dinner, Celebration, and Ceremony, here, complete with White Elephant gifting.

Yes, during this week-long break  I am going to take stock of my life, as usual, which now, at almost 81 years old (birthday December 19), is becoming more and more a serious concern. Indeed, for several months now — likely thanks to the personal toll on me of son Colin’s ongoing catastrophe — whenever I happen to glance in a mirror, an old woman stares back!  Not just the wrinkles and crepey skin, but the eyes, they look haunted; and the set of the face, unless kept lively, looks grim and bitter. Which I’m not! It’s just that gravity takes its toll of everyone as we age, so unless the face is consciously expressive, the person looks like he or she wants to murder somebody!

“Ye gods!”  Which reminds me: Have you ever heard of Mauro Biglio? I found his name in a comment under the latest Clif High video where he, once again, is stressing what he considers an empirical fact:

What we know as “God” in the Old Testament is actually a “space alien.”

Notice: From that single assumption, the religious and theological structures and history of this world dissolve into dust.

Clif is harping on space aliens right now because his predictive linguistic sets are predicting that space aliens are returning, NOW, and that, given that they view us as cattle, good to eat, we might want to get prepared. I know this sounds totally crazy. But before you write it off, Clif is not the only one.

Please listen to at least one of Uncle Clif’s space alien monologues, and then you might want to switch over to studying the conclusions, for example, of esteemed Biblical translator Mauro Biglino, whom Graham Hancock features, here:

Gods of the Bible: A new interpretation of the Bible reveals the oldest secret in history

Also, I find it interesting that Clif’s videos dovetail with very latest Tucker Carlson interview, with a UFO whistleblower, who, of course, focuses on just what the USG knew, and when. And how the secrecy itself is unconstitutional.

Tucker stated only days earlier that what really scares him is the UFO story. So what did he do? Went right out to confront his fear. YES.

But, what might really scare him would be to consider the UFO presence in the Old Testament, and what Clif High and Mauro Biglino insist, that implies about the reality of what all three Abrahamic religions call “GOD.”

Note: no one is arguing that the divine doesn’t exist, but just that this mysterious, all-pervading presence cannot be confined to a Big Nasty Narcissistic Daddy in the Sky.





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