While I resonate increasingly into my anarchist roots, or maybe better, my “organic radical” roots, aligned with Paul Cudenec in trusting Nature as brilliant Teacher and nourishing Mother above all else — and, for me, Nature includes my own body, as one of her sensitive antennas — even so, given the increasing chaos enveloping our world, most of it stemming from the welcome disintegration of an American Empire rooted in and fueled by the immensely profitable trafficking industry of children, drugs, organs, blood, and guns, all of which fuel near-continuous bankster wars — even so, I am increasingly concerned for the security of one Donald Trump, whose very old soul agreed to incarnate during this epochal era to serve a pivotal role what is fast becoming the total transformation of human life on earth. Yes, during this agonizing, continuing climactic Plutonian moment (see my many articles on Pluto’s return to the U.S. chart)  when thousands of years of human slavery are being obliterated by the reverberations of continuously accelerating revelations of deep dark stuff that good people (and most of us are good) would have preferred to not even know about.

Whatever one thinks of Trump’s bloviating persona, this courageous soul now shines as a talisman for all who still hope for a miraculous transformation on planet earth that minimizes death and destruction and maximizes human freedom to express the fullness of our sovereign souls to regenerate decentralized human communities around this world and beyond — to the stars.

The sheer necessity of Trump winning the 2024 election (and of making sure that the election takes place, with paper ballots only during a single day) in the face of the rot that infects politics becomes especially compelling now that 1) Elon purchased and fired up twitter, changing its name to X, 2) Fox fired Tucker Carlson who then resurrected on X, and most recently: 3) Tucker interviewed Alex Jones, the ultimate conspiracy theorist.

Couple that interview with that of another global influencer, Joe Rogan, who has also locked in on Alex Jones — here’s one assessment of our current situation (from email list of stopworldcontrol.com):



So here we are. Finally. Welcome to The Great Awakening which, no doubt, will take time for those who still stubbornly remain “normies” to absorb (and some will never give in to Truth), but I was old enough to watch JFK’s head being blown to smithereens on television. So I know. Let’s face facts: the DS tends to “disappear” anyone with a wide reach who speaks and acts with integrity.

All of which leads me to ask, with Clayton Morris of Redacted News: Will the 2024 elections even take place?

And if so, will this election, for once, be fair?

And especially: Will Donald Trump be assasinated?

See Clayton’s interview with Tucker Carlson. Go to 1 hour, 2 minutes, and then especially let their conversation thrum within you at from about 1 hour, 25 minutes on.


Here’s a metaphor from Tucker that I couldn’t get out of my mind, and I paraphrase:  “It’s like being kidnapped by a masked man and thrown into the back seat of a car. Then the kidnapper turns around and looks at you with his mask off. Now he has no choice. He must kill you, because you’re on to him.”

Yes, ever since Trump rode down the elevator in 2015, telling us for the first time that he was going to “drain the swamp,” the DS mask has been ripped off. Now we know, with every fiber in us, the terrible range and extent of what he too, likely, learned that his seemingly fanciful phrase referred to. Tucker’s analogy was no metaphor, it was literal. The toxic, metastizing, compartmentalized, bureaucratic administrative state that grinds on, seemingly permanently, beneath our so-called “elections” — is propped up and fueled by evil deeds. Period.

And Trump is now in the DS crosshairs. Let us pray for his continued protection.


As Tucker says, if Trump wins, then their oligarchy is over. But if they “disappear” him, then the oligarchy will have cemented its rule but: EVERYBODY WILL KNOW.

For them, both alternatives suck.

No wonder they’re trying to jumpstart nuclear war with Russia.









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