THE GREAT RECKONING, and/or: When Is It Wise to “Pick A Side,” When Not?


Let’s begin with the latter, first.

When is not picking a side COWARDLY?

— (Just because you want to remain “friends” or “allies” with those on the side you wouldn’t pick?)

— (Just because your reputation, or your paycheck, or your family relationships are at stake?)

Well, I do know one area where to me, not picking a side was, to some extent, cowardly. (Yes, as a forever recovering Roman Catholic, I can’t help but confess . . .)

That is this: I chose not to get the jab or even to get the PCR test, or to wear a mask over my nose (except for about two hours, total); and, I also chose not to talk about my decision or my perspective with those who I knew did fall under the spell of the covid con, and/or did get the jab — unless they outright asked me. In which case, my pent-up Sagittarian fury would suddenly, volcanically, ERUPT! And then, if I bothered to pause and check out the astonished shock on their faces, would just as suddenly stop — and abjectly apologize for the disturbance. Usually they didn’t ask. Unconsciously, they “knew better.” My fierce eyes likely made it obvious that what I had to say they wouldn’t want to hear.

An exception was this blog, and also the earlier exopermaculture blog, where I did speak the forbidden. But: if you’ve noticed, I choose to keep my online blog presence very low key. Not interested in stirring up trouble against myself. Though I’ve done so in the past, many times, I now realize that, at 81, it is not an efficacious use of my remaining time. — Even so, I still consider this choice, to some extent, cowardly!

And to me, there are other issues where not picking a side is cowardly. Mainly, because to choose to “stay quiet” is to further enable what I consider evil. Evil which comes in deceptive disguise — as solidarity, or compassion, or empathy. For example, the “politically correct” CRT/trans/LGBTQ+ phenomenon. I do have compassion for (especially young vulnerable) individuals who have been brainwashed into compliance, but not for the malevolent top-down plan that spawned it, the plandemic, and other depopulation agendas aimed at eliminating most humans and turning the rest of us “useless eaters” into transhuman bots, slaves in the NWO/WHO/WEF 2030 wet dream.



When is not picking a side WISE?

There are some areas where not picking a side is, to my mind, and very definitely, wise. For example, any serious conflict, i.e., WAR between any two entities, whether that be in one’s own interior, one’s household, ones neighbor, and so on out to international dramas where false flags are inevitably planned and used to gin up public support for one’s own “side,” which means, in practical real world terms, more taxation for more money for lobbyists, politicos, weapons manufacturers and big banksters, to guarantee outright slaughter and disablement of combatants and innocents on both sides, not to mention  massive refuge flows and human trafficking, plus, of course, destroyed human habitats which invite transnational corporate rebuilding into, these days, “smart cities.”

The ongoing horror in Ukraine (though I am somewhat sympathetic with Putin and Russia), and the more recent seemingly endless slaughter in the Mideast with its tangled roots reaching back to biblical times, are two examples of the latter.

Here’s Charles Eisenstein, his nuanced treatment of just why not picking a side between Palestine and Israel is wise. He asks: “In both cases, what turns sweet toddlers into monsters?”

Horror and the process of compassion

Joe Martino has, to me, identified the root of the top-down ability to brainwash us, and that is the industrial world’s identification with only our minds. So much can be foisted on us when we are not grounded into our bodies and the natural world. So much fear. Of our bodies (and “diseases”); of nature herself, and her ever-present cycles of living and dying.

Navigating the Space between Worlds 

The point is, unless we learn to inhabit, the spacious presence that includes all our combative polarities, including, and starting with, the joint occupation of shadow and light within ourselves, we will always find something or someone outside to fight against, to hate, to fear, to deny, to try to dominate or destroy. Nature/nurture, nature/technology, body/mind, Republican/Democrat — always two wings of same bird. We need a holistic arithmetic that starts with this equation:

1 + 1 = 1

And remember, anything truly creative begins with chaos, wherein customary polarities dissolve, and we occupy a liminal space, wherein who knows will happen next?

As my logic instructor responded back when, as a first year PhD student in philosophy at Boston University, I suddenly asked my logic professor: “But what’s wrong with contradiction?” My question started him. He stopped. Turned red, and finally sputtered: “Because if we allow contradiction, then anything can happen, anything!”



Somehow, I sense that the tide has actually turned. Plandemics aren’t working anymore to gin up fear. More and more of us are refusing to think that only one side of any conflict is good, the other evil. And, as is said (almost as an aside, or afterthought) in this next — and tremendously energetic, exciting interview: most people who are no longer ruled by fear have undergone a near-death experience. And so are no longer afraid of death. Once that’s out of the way, anything IS possible, anything. From The Great Reset (now dying) to . . .





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