THE TWO FETTERMANS: Why? What’s the reason behind such an obvious fake?

This set of images has been making the rounds of twitter, with everybody calling the second one out as not the real Fetterman.

Twins, clones, doubles, actors in full-on head masks, cgi . . . the question of who is really who has been around for some time. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden come to mind especially as public figures who have and do use “doubles” of some kind or other when they “appear” in public. (If, that is, they are actually alive. One or both may be dead.) Also on my radar recently, Putin, and Trump.

BTW: Don’t believe a mask can be believable? Check this out.

Some facial features especially give the con away, principally ears. But in the case of Fetterman, skull shape? That’s one I thought they thought would have been crucial to “keeping up the appearance.”

So then the question is, why the fakery? Is it just because nobody, even those who “crave the limelight,” has the energy to constantly be “in the public eye”?

Or might there be more nefarious reasons: like the real, original person is secretly dead. Or secretly imprisoned. AND, there’s good reason to make it seem as if the person is still alive, so that his or her continued “presence” can continue to fulfill whatever agenda (political, usually) is deemed necessary now.

For example Fetterman. A newly inaugurated Pennsylvania senator, a Democrat in a closely split U.S. Senate, 51-49, who has supposedly been hospitalized now, for many weeks, for “clinical depression.”

But, for me, the real question is, why was this particular person chosen to stand in for Fetterman? Oh yes, and who chooses these “doubles”? What kind of data base is used to find “the right one”? And do they always have back ups of back ups? Like supposedly with clones, who are supposedly produced in DUMBs, and each one doesn’t last long. Check this out. I dare you.

On and on. Rabbit holes, in this arena, run wide and deep.

Why choose someone, especially, whose skull is so obviously differently shaped than Fetterman’s? You can notice differences in the ears, the nose, the width of the face, and so on. But skull shape? That’s a clear, unmistakable giveaway. Why did “they” choose someone whom everybody would recognize as NOT the real Fetterman?

Does this obvious fakery signal that we “conspiracy theorists,” once again, were right all along? In this case, that fakes are here among us, and have been for years?

And if so, do “they” — the cabal, the black hats, the illuminati, etc. — want us to know this now?


Why now?





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