THE UKRAINE MORASS: What’s true, what’s false, what’s real, what matters?

For example, the video below. Is this real? Russian prisoners-of-war speaking to the press because coerced to do so? If not, if this press conference is voluntary on their part, and if it’s real, then this is a VERY damning video for anyone, like myself, who tends to honor Putin’s intent, despite a deep — and in my case, lifelong — revulsion to war.  Bucky fuller:

revulsion to war


However, two nagging questions: if the below video IS real, then why isn’t it already plastered all over the internet? After all, the video would buttress the blue and yellow flag bearing virtue signalers whose empathy, as usual, has been hijacked for nefarious ends via the propaganda arm of the deep state. On the other hand, if it’s fake, then why hasn’t it been determined to be fake, somewhere, by someone?

And how about this possibility, one that makes the mind swivel to the point of twisting off at the neck, what if the older guy in the video is not a Russian prisoner-of-war in Ukraine but instead a battalion commander for the CIA trained Azov forces in Ukraine? I.e., what if he’s this guy?

CIA trained Azov forces


Oh, wait a minute. Different ears (and see below) . . . Plus, I saw somewhere that the “commander” has only one arm . . .

Here’s the part I watched, via twitter:


Here’s the entire video, on youtube. I confess, I can’t bear to watch it, so much does it not just threaten my own bedrock assumptions, if it’s real, but even stronger: so much does it threaten to drown me in my own strong emotionality that reaches out to both Russian and Ukrainian innocents. But I did manage to scroll through hundreds of comments and didn’t see anything that definitively declares it either fake or real.


The FOG OF WAR . . .

We have a "winner"- only one person left born in the 1800s ...


The first casualty. There are others . . .

Clif High offers an assessment of the unrolling hell war delivers to victor and victim alike while bankrolling banksters as usual..

War pigs

Meanwhile, Putin has now presented his conditions for retreat.


Will the globalists accept these conditions? Putin is NOT going to be the one to blink. Will they? Given their proud, egocentric tendency to crave power and refuse defeat, likely not. Unless a way can be found for the globalists to “save face,” or unless some greater power is at work — which may well be! — it appears that we the people are now to be rendered acutely aware that the globalists want this war. That they don’t care about us; that they never did care about us. In fact, that they wish most of us dead and the rest enslaved. Sound familiar?

If the covid con didn’t teach us to stop worshipping external authority of any kind, maybe this will. 


Whip lash


More and more, it seems to me that Putin’s gamble, that he could get in and out quickly and achieve his specific objectives, to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine (plus, take out American bioweapons sites, and save the evidence) with as little violence as possible, has been overwhelmed. Not sure by what. Globalists say that, unexpectedly, the heroic Ukrainians rose to the challenge of defeating their Russian enemy’s brutal invasion. Other souls, more steeped in the history of the region, say that the the Maiden (color) Revolution in 2014, engineered by the Obama administration, and the Minsk Accords oof 2015, which failed (deliberately?) to prevent the murder of 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians ever since, not to mention the CIA trained and armed Nazi thugs for decades in Ukraine — all these were reasons enough for Putin’s forces to briefly enter Ukraine, bent on his “special mission.”

Meanwhile, remember: ever since the Soviet Union was defeated, and NATO promised in 1991 “not to move its nuclear missiles one inch to the east,” NATO has been ignoring its promise by moving them closer and closer to Russia’s borders. This, despite Putin’s constant request for them to stop.  That was in 1991. The Saturn Return for this cycle, 30 years later, was 2021. Is there any wonder that Putin was, and still is, at wits’ end? He instinctively knew (for we are all instinctively attuned to planetary cycles) that he couldn’t start another (Saturn) cycle again without dire results for his own country for which he, as leader, feels responsible (a Saturn function). This was and still is a do-or-die moment for Putin. And unfortunately many many people, both civilian and military, on both “sides” of this and any all-too-human war, are sacrificed to someone’s perception of the “greater good.” At least in the third sense of the following definition, and perhaps, if Moloch still reigns on high, the first, and primary, sense.



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