Trucker Movement: Historical parallels continued . . .

Interesting. Even though I have been ruminating for months on the astrological parallels between now and 30 years ago, with always the old adage in mind . . .


. . . only yesterday did I find myself posting on a Saturnine arc that history portends, focusing on the astrological parallels between two momentous events: the Truck Freedom Convoy and the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

And now, this morning, I find that only four people have viewed yesterday’s post. Which, to me, kind of goes to prove the point: because we don’t notice, recognize, honor how history repeats itself, we end up with farce. So, if you are reading this post, please go back and read that one, too!

This phenomenon, of historical cycles, works in our own lives too. Take the same 30-year cycle of Saturn, which, as an archetype in a woman’s life, can be characterized as Maiden (0-30), Mother (30-60), Crone (60-90). Each cycle offers its own gifts and opportunities, which, if we honor, integrate, and learn from them, deepen our understanding and expand our horizons. But we humans, when we don’t consciously incorporate a long view of even our own personal history, tend to repeat ourselves: for example, the woman of crone age who wants to appear sexually desirable — so she gets a face lift! In her case, never mind Mother, she is attempting to flip back to Maiden! And the result is farce,  face frozen into a smooth mask.

Just saw this, Ron Paul, “We are all Canadian Truckers now,” in which he also references the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

So here we are, 30 years later, with Truckistan. Of course, I, and others concerned about how the deep state globalists will attempt to either hijack or destroy what is now morphing into the Ottowa standoff, with the truckers vowing to remain until Trudeau resigns, I was eager to discover what Janine’s Tarot cards are telling her. In brief, having listened to this video yesterday, she says that deep state attempts to hijack and destroy the Ottowa standoff will be averted. That’s good. And her cards echo my prediction yesterday, that there will be some kind of definitive action when the transit Sun catches up to Saturn towards the end of this week. But: her cards also tell her that the coming truck convoy in the U.S. will not be as powerful as the Canadian one. To me, if she’s correct, and I wouldn’t be surprised, it may have to do with the still unhealed national trauma experienced when deep state globalists hijacked the January 6 event 2021. Not even a record-setting gathering of two million peaceful souls could overwhelm Nancy’s Antifa and FBI plants determined to wreak violence, and then to use their MSM propaganda arm to “frame the narrative” so as to obliterate the original intent of the event which, like the Canadian Trucker Convoy, “vibrates in the heart.”


But if no other country will be able to top or even to muster the massive outpouring of love in -30° C weather as intrepid Canadians, still, the very fact of using big trucks to confront the globalist deep state is sheer genius. Not only do they serve a dual purpose, being used to move goods from one place to another in a just-in-time economy, thus functioning as the very life blood of our civilization . . . and yet, I wouldn’t worry about the Trucker Convoy causing scarcity; there are actually plenty of trucks . . .

Trucking — ah, but are there enough truckers? I read somewhere yesterday that the U.S. needs 80,000 new long-haul truck drivers. Where are they? How many former drivers were vaxxed, and now out of commission — either dead or maimed? —

. . . it turns out that trucks can also function defensively, as a powerful weapon in we, the people’s guerilla war: more like tanks than cars, they are too large to be towed away, except by other truckers driving tow trucks, but . . .


Plus, truckers can sleep in their tank-like trucks, and while inside, remain relatively impervious to whatever’s going on outside. So surrounding Parliament Hill for two to four years, if their massive funds can hold out to feed them, is actually possible. In which case, not only do the covid mandates stop, the government grinds to a halt. Let me repeat, twitter: “Truckers say they won’t leave unless Justin resigns.”

Big question: Will police attempt to eliminate the protests, or will they cross to stand with the protestors.

Twitter: “Truedau has now authorised the use of rubber bullets at Ottawa . .  Source, Robert Malone M.D.”

What about the reports of bad stuff happening in Ottowa, including Trudeau’s remarks yesterday, fomenting the usual division and hate?



P.S. Keep an eye on Canadian politician Pierre Pollinaire. He may be Canada’s equivalent to Ron DeSantis.

Oh, and, remember:



8 thoughts on “Trucker Movement: Historical parallels continued . . .

  1. I remember the Berlin Wall coming down, but saw it as a regional shift and not something affecting my world. It was exciting, but something I observed from afar. The truckers are tapping into a global yearning and movement, and I do think it will affect us all this time and really change the dynamics, as truckers and humanity unites in freedom. This is far more exciting this time.

    I so appreciate knowing about this 30 year cycle and how it lines up astrologically. Thanks for explaining it so well.

    Your post yesterday didn’t show up for me. I tried refreshing the page, but nothing came up for yesterday. And I just tried to comment on that post, and comments aren’t an option. Maybe we were meant to read that post today ;).

    1. Thanks for letting me know about the glitch in yesterday’s post. Weird!

      For me, the Berlin Wall was huge, since I was closely focused on geopolitical events back then as well, especially the nuclear standoff with the Soviet Union. So I took that drama personally, just as much as I take this one personally!

  2. Dear Heart Ann, it’s Ottawa, not Ottowa…

    “The origin of the name “Ottawa” is derived from the Algonquin word adawe, meaning “to trade”. The word refers to the indigenous peoples who used the river to trade, hunt, fish, camp, harvest plants, ceremonies, and for other traditional uses. The first maps made of the area started to name the major river after these peoples.”

    And that major river is the Ottawa River, which runs behind the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, and which river I was raised on and though I’ve moved away from it, I visit when I can from British Columbia. That river always brings me comfort and peace and lovely memories.

    The lady who is a co-organizer of the Freedom Convoy is Metis. You might like to watch the Freedom Convey press conference on Rumble. You’ll see the divine masculine/divine feminine as they are meant to be.

    And it was an MSM lie that Go Fund Me is not releasing funds as they are requested by the Freedom Convoy folks in charge of those funds, and Trudeau is not Canadian… well, I don’t know if he’s not Canadian, but he sure isn’t compared to the rest of us!!!!

    In the press conference, it was said that the biggest financial contributors from Europe are from East Germany because they don’t want to see Canada go the way of the Berlin Wall.

    I read your posts all the time, though lately I’ve had trouble getting onto your website, but then I’m not surprised as you are one supportive lady! Thank you! Love, B.

    1. Thanks so much for enlightening me on OTTAWA! And thanks for the tip on Metis.
      The next time you have trouble accessing this site, let me know and I’ll get the wordpress techies to work on it. If there’s some kind of notice, then screenshot it to send to me also. THANK YOU for your ongoing affirmation of this near-daily blog.

  3. My Canadian friends were out there on the bridges in the freezing cold cheering on the masses of Truckers. They said that all of them were hugging and crying and cheering and crying. It was completely heart opening and overflowing. I just keep on crying. It is so beautiful.

  4. I read you blog every day. I appreciate your insights and your way with words. I have always wondered why you prefer the term ¨crone¨ which the Merriam Webster dictionary defines as ¨a cruel or ugly old woman¨. I am partial to ¨matriarch¨ which has the connotation of ¨an older woman who is powerful within a family or organization.¨ It also fits better in the trio – Maiden, Mother, Matriarch- because of the alliteration.

    1. Re: Crone. When I started Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging, I picked that term precisely because it carries such an aura of taboo. Which to me, means it holds a lot of charge. Though the term is vilified in the dictionary,let us remember it is a patriarchal compilation! (The dictionary definition I remember is “an old ewe with no teeth in her.”) Searching duck duck go for the etymology, I came up with the second meaning, beyond the old hag:”A woman who is venerated for experience, judgment, wisdom.”

      The word matriarch, to me, implies a family of which the woman is the esteemed head. But many older women don’t have families, so there’s no place where they would be considered matriarch. In my own sibling family, I AM considered “matriarch,”(being the oldest). So though I also love the alliteration, to me, “matriarch” cuts out a great swath of older women who are conscious, who process and integrate their experience, and who live, and some prefer to live, very much alone. The word hag, by the way, refers to a holy woman, as in “hagiography.” Anyway, great question!

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