TWO WORLDS continue to run parallel . . . WHICH WORLD DO YOU CHOOSE?

Yesterday, I took the car to the grocery store. Just too damn hot to walk in late afternoon (94° temp, 105° heat index). Indiana sits smack in the middle of a heat dome predicted last two weeks, and of course people like me wonder if it was geo-engineered as part of cabal’s latest genocidal depop agenda: make food so scarce that people starve. Goes along with all the strange fires at food production companies. Here’s the latest listing, via twitter.

But I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about what specials Kroger had on sale yesterday, because I would take advantage of them. I had already been to Aldi’s, and Fresh Thyme. This is how I’m adjusting to inflation of food prices: go to several stores three times a week and shop the specials.

I was feeling pretty proud of myself, actually. Yes, it’s bad. All sorts of stuff are bad, especially in the “larger world.”  Meanwhile, I continue to adjust to the onrushing stochastic horror show. Though my daily 3-4 mile walks with puppy Shadow have been moved to 5:30 AM, I discover that this is a magical time in mid-June — the hour pregnant with the pre-dawn sun, the birds celebrating joyously, and, these past two days, overhung by an unusually large full moon. Looking up as it hangs there, like a strange prop in some kind of divine play, I wonder, as usual, if the moon really is a natural satellite of earth? Or, is it hollow, and was it placed there by some alien race, to function as monitoring device? And if so, given how women’s hormones shift with the oceanic tides, was it also designed to do that? Stir up emotional waves in humanity, on a monthly basis?

And then, of course, there’s the phenomenon of the eclipses. How in hell can they happen? How can a body so much smaller than the sun and so much closer to earth, actually line up with the sun or earth on a periodic basis so that one body’s edges PRECISELY covers the other’s??! Huh? To me, this fact — of nature? of an alien architecture, of “God’s” miraculous design? — is the single most astonishing 3D phenomenon of all in this embodied life on planet earth.

Okay, so back to yesterday’s trip to Kroger.

When I came out of the store I had my hands full, and so placed my purse on the hood of the car next to me while I put the grocery sacks in the back seat . . . And yes, you know what happened. But I didn’t. Not until one half hour after my return.

Suddenly, puppy Shadow starts barking. Who’s that? I go to the front door and there’s an effusive and smiling middle-aged woman with her hand out holding my purse . . .

Oh my goodness, what a shock! First, that I had left the purse there, on someone’s car, and secondly, that its driver had returned it to me, going out of her way to do so. Rather than leaving it with Kroger, she had looked inside to find my driver’s license, which gave my address.

Well, needless to say, this astonishing act of sheer generosity blew my heart wide open. I rushed to her with arms open, ecstatic. “I LOVE YOU!” She accepted both my loud cry and the hug; in fact, she was as much in the spirit of celebration as I . Not only did this woman return my purse, but the universe timed it so that I didn’t even have to spend a single second panicked, wondering where I had left it.

Right then and there I invited her to our weekly Green Acres Village Community Dinner, to be held this evening, on the back patio, and told her what I told the Dinner List, that we would have a sprinkler on the lawn, in case you want to run through it like you did as a kid. Because that’s what we are, underneath. We’re all kids. Even those who think they’re here to bamboozle all the others. Their own little kid was damaged somehow, when young, and they never got over it. Never came to terms with it. Did not know, and do not now know, how to process that early experience that left them emotionally paralyzed.

So I’d say, thank goodness for the Moon! The tides keep flowing, and sooner or later, they will wear away the encrustations of even the most hardened of souls — in this life or the next — using the feelings engendered during the biological, instinctive swelling of women’s bodies to lead the way.

Two women standing there, on the porch, hugging. Two “strangers,” supposedly. Not. We are all beloveds of one another. And this, despite the screaming concatenation of horrific “news” events, so relentlessly catastrophic as made to seem like a death march for the human species.

The sooner we realize our instinctive attunement within our own bodies as extensions of Mother Earth’s body, the sooner will we also re-member ourselves as sovereign souls, at one with all.

The “news” is one thing; WE are another.






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