What Is Integrity? TRUTH AND VALUES

Truth and Lies

To me, integrity has to do with courage to tell the truth of one’s personal experience, which stems from the values one lives by. Examples . . .

On the World Stage

The woman who has just stepped down from Levi, refusing $1 M “severance,” knowing that if she took the bribe, she would have to sign an NDA.

The champion tennis player who is now willing to never play in another tournament again. Why? No vax. His body, his choice.

Then there are the Canadian truckers who continue to inspire.

Ottawa Trucker Reads the Riot Act to Trudeau

Remember: Trudeau can’t back down. He is the first domino for the WEF. Ben Fulford: “The Truckers are the people’s army, and the entire world must back them.”

Telling the truth simplifies life. Can you imagine psychopathic Hillary Clinton, having to constantly ramp up the lies re: her “innocence,” with each new Durham investigation revelation?

And geez! She has to remember layer upon layer of lies to cover up her crimes. How can she keep it all compartmentalized? How can she sleep at night? Not because her non-existent conscience bothers her, but because she can’t remember what she said two weeks ago that “gave the lie” to the lie she put out there a week before that . . .

What is Integrity?


On the Local Stage

In my own case, as a fiery double Sagittarian, my own problems stem from sometimes inappropriate truth-telling, due to what used to be my totally insensitive insistence that others wake up to see what’s really going on. For example, 40 years ago, as full-time “peace activist” in 1984, gunning for the MX missile, about to be installed in Wyoming. Yesterday, my old friend Judy, now gradually dying from parkinsons, sent me some memorabilia from that era. (Thank you, Judy!) Included was this scribbled note, asking that she spread our new activist newsletter Heartland far and wide. Yep! Put me right back there.

What is Integrity?

After two years, I had to leave the publication to others, so much had I transmogrified into a (mentally) VIOLENT peace activist — despite my desire to “raise the level of discussion of peace from facts to values.” That’s still true, that need to raise the level of discussion, just as the deliberately non-violent truckers realize, in continuing to “hold the line” for this new/old peace movement to shift the world’s values.

Now, integrity for me means more than anything, living my values. Thus this place, Green Acres Permaculture Village: “growing community from the ground up,”  as one experimental template for the total transformation of life on earth.

This morning, work party, more seedlings: Annie, Marita, Daniel, Aya, left to right.

What is Integrity?








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