WHAT IS THE TRUTH? Contrasting Perspectives: Mike Adams, Paul Cudenec

Or, maybe I should say, the second perspective, while incorporating the first perspective within it, operates within a larger dimension. So in that sense, they only appear to contrast. Both, to me, are necessary, and of course, open to change.


I am Sagittarius (actually, double Sagittarius, both Sun and Ascendant, born at sunrise, with Mars in that sign as well).

I seek Truth.

And whenever and wherever I am meant to, I expose, investigate, state Truth as I see it.

My vision is always clouded by whatever else occupies my body/mind, either consciously or unconsciously. I know this. But I seek to wipe the clouds off the perceptual window anyway, and see what is really “out there,” even with the admission that what is “in here” will inevitably color my perception.

That said, here are two versions of Truth, one by Mike Adams, the other by Paul Cudenec. Both are real, both serious, both, in my opinion, of great value. However, of the two, I prefer the second, since, let me repeat: it shifts us into a larger dimension in order to meet what appears now, and increasingly, as it has so often in human history, as the enveloping chaos.



Mike Adams outlines everything that has those of us who are thoughtful observers (and hopefully, in our own localities, change agents) sees as wrong with the world.


Every engineered crisis is a COVER STORY

for a larger globalist crime or power grab


In contrast, Paul Cudenec offers a way of being in the world that someone like Mike Adams likely would not be able to absorb  or take seriously.


Our main weapon will be

the soaring of our opened hearts,

beating in concert with the universe,

pulsing Love through all and everything.

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