Either/Or? Or Both/And? Polarity Thinking in and about the Mideast

If we plan to outlive the current madness, we will need to shift dimensions, from 3rd to 5th. Polarity thinking is a feature of the 3rd dimension. We identify with one side or the other in any argument. When we let go of identification, the world opens into spaciousness.

In 5th dimension, we don’t mind coming across ways of thinking that, until now, appeared so wild as to be unimaginable. In fact, we relish how our 3D belief-systems get blown, sky high, over and over again.

So, for example:

If you’ve been paying attention to Clif High lately, you would discover that he claims that the Elohim were “space aliens”, i.e., ETs. If he’s correct, then this turns western society’s obsession with The Bible as humanity’s founding document on its ear. 

Clif High, substack:

I Have Discovered A Great Secret


The Torah, and thus the original material for the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, does not contain the word for ‘god’. Instead, the words translated as ‘god’ for today’s audience that believes the book to be about ‘god’, worship, and religion, are actually the words for the race of Space Aliens, called, within the Torah, the “Elohim”, which means “many (of the) El”. The “El” are what they called themselves, these conquering, brutal, space aliens.

Since this substack in July, 2023 many (most?) of Clif’s videos either assume or directly speak of this alien presence masquerading as gods.

If Clif is correct, then what happens to religion? To all the theocratic institutions built upon some foundation of dogma that claims to spell out the real meaning of the Bible?

And how does this torque our confusion of perspectives on the current — and terminal? Sodom and Gomorrah? — eruption of utter viciousness in the Mideast?

Even so, I can appreciate people who ground their lives in principles, e.g. Christian Mike Johnson. I presume this means he tells the truth and doesn’t lie, and that he does his best to work for the common good. That makes him a really rare politician these days. But unfortunately, principled or not, even this new Speaker of the House goes along with the program and cannot see beyond left brain. Yes, he also comes down one side or the other, in his case, Israel.

As does, believe it or not, one who was, until now, my absolute favorite historian: Victor Davis Hanson. I am stunned to recognize that even he doesn’t put what’s happening in Israel/Gaza in a large enough historical context to imply or declare that the various complex and confusing chains of causation here are seemingly limitless, receding into millennia past. His latest.






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