What keeps us tied up in “chains of causation”?


Yesterday’s post took you to a personal story, which in turn radiated into an extended meditation, on the subtle and blatant interstices of psychological, cultural, and philosophical ramifications of the mysterious phenomena of death and dying.

Here it is again. I do hope you sit down for a time and read it!


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It’s more and more clear that we are inside of a critical period of time that Clif High identified as The Big Ugly, the acceleration of which, he intoned, in several audio offerings yesterday —

Shrapnel Incoming

Release Language


— begins today, February 2.

February 1-2 (sunset through sunset) also just happens to be Imbolc, honoring the ancient pagan celebration of the point midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

The quiescence of winter is already beginning to stir. Which makes fiery people like me, glad, even impatient!  With Sun, Ascendant, and Mars in fiery Sagittarius, I cannot help but reach for the budding of spring.

Which makes it no coincidence, I think, that I happened to recover an old piece of paper recently and plopped it right back on my desktop (my real desktop), where it used to sit and has always belonged. Who was the author? When did I write these incredibly profound words down? At least 30 years ago, maybe longer. I’ve been pondering them ever since.

You might say that impatience is what keeps us mesmerized by 3D, embroiled in chains of causation that we, ourselves, without realizing it, simply by our attitude, initiate!

If you have trouble reading my now faded writing, here it is:


The moment you are impatient,

you recognize the force of time,

that places in your way

the obstacles of space,

and starts a new chain of causation.

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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