Where is Tom Lehrer when we need him?

Remember this? It’s enough to just absorb the title:

Invoke the Power of Laughter to Disrupt Deep State Plans

What we need now is a comedian as incisive and satiric as Tom Lehrer. Remember him? When oh when will somebody do a documentary on this brilliant comedian, pianist, and mathematician? Still alive!

Quote, from an internet bio:

Can you imagine how he now, at 94, views the world of 2022? What would Tom Lehrer do with the social and political divisions fracturing the foundations of these United States — would even his stunning genius be flummoxed by the chaos ? I can just see him focusing, with laser wit, on each politically correct (polarized) point of view, each absurdist woke “identity,” all 57 genders . . .  And how would he satirize the Ukraine war? Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse? The 2020 election? The Buy-den farce? The fake plandemic? How would he, once again, render us all, jaw agape and speechless, seeing ourselves in the mirror he offers. And if, like me, you sometimes fall into his crack between any two worlds yourself, all the while noticing your own hypocrisy, your own pretense, your own chest-beating claims to, for example, the ONE. TRUE. RELIGION— then you are deeply grateful, to Tom Lehrer.

As a recovering Roman Catholic, I’m still utterly ripe for this acerbic Tom Lehrer ditty, 1967.

Though I do have a dim memory of this just-about-forgotten performer called Tom Lehrer, I really only discovered him yesterday. And spent the next two hours absorbing youtube videos, one after another, entranced. Imagine, if we could all just start laughing our heads off, not just at the dramatically accelerating shenanigans of the deep state, but at ourselves, our own peckadillos. What would happen then? What would that crack open within the collective unconscious, now so dead set on genocide, marching headlong to oblivion.

Speaking of which . . .


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