This morning I spoke with a neighbor across the street who had just returned from staying on Martha’s vineyard where, on top of a little hill, in a little house, she had a panoramic view of both the ocean and the sound. “It makes me a bit restless!” she confessed.

So here I am, ensconced in Green Acres neighborhood of Bloomington, InDiana,  nestled in our little three-home Green Acres Permaculture Village, and noticing that my own wanderlust has disappeared! I am a double Sagittarian (Sun/Ascendant, plus Mars!), and so of course I used to be a hungry traveler to places near and far, including most of the U.S., plus England, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Crete, Turkey, Egypt, Peru, Honduras, Mexico,  India, Thailand, Siberia, Mongolia.

All this came to a sudden stop with the Covid Con. During those exceedingly strange two years, I kept obsessing on the question of how an entire population could be so easily seduced into F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), and blogged on it, many times. Now that travel has opened up again, at least in some ways, without vax, test, or mask restrictions, why am I not excited to get going again? Is it just because I’m older now? Doubtful.

More and more, the older I grow, the larger my inner world, the more the inner and the outer merge, fuse, illuminate each other, offer continuous exploratory joy. Furthermore, at this point in my life, I finally feel deeply grounded, my Taurus Moon not just content, but verging on ecstasy, every day in our many gardens.. Nature offers the mandalas I seek, she helps me center myself continuously within the ever-shifting landscape of my dreams and visions. For example, yesterday morning, this little one finally blushed open. So grateful for her symmetrical beauty!

I feel so grateful to astrology also, which helped me learn the energetics of my own and others” personal signatures — and, as a corollary, taught me not to judge either myself or others, but rather to recognize the exquisite uniqueness of each soul’s particular embodiment on this planet, including my own. Rather than judging, endeavor to listen, to become one with, to be inside my own or the other’s body, one likely painful, stressed, stiffened with unprocessed fear.

And I am especially grateful to that same discipline for teaching me to think in a new way beyond Descartes, beyond Newton, one that unites body, mind, and soul — surrendering to the multidimensional, cycling, spiraling, nature of Time as it folds portions of Space within its constantly reaching, stretching, returning arcs.

And grateful even to facebook, where I found this astonishing story.

Astrology taught me to see the soul as that which decides the nature of the next life on earth. Thus the energetic signature, one’s birth chart — “one’s special song” — shows the dynamic gifted by the soul that will both teach lessons needed to learn “this time around,” as well as provide the gifts to help learn them. If, that is, one becomes and remains, conscious, aware of being aware. It’s this continuous noticing of “what we are going through” that helps us to learn how to process the ever expanding meaning created through the unfolding arcs of Time and Space.

Meanwhile, here in western culture, rather than appreciate these admittedly abstract, and yet deeply significant understandings in this cosmic dance we are all engaged in . . .



  1. As I started reading about you having Sun, ASC and Mars in Sag and how you’ve changed, I immediately “heard” in my head, “Well, she’s a Pisces now, so this all makes sense.” Sure enough, I checked your progressed chart, and you now have a Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Pisces ASC and Mars in the 0 degree of Aquarius. So! Some things have changed, and it makes perfect sense that you’re in a more contemplative, abstract yet personally centered (Aries Moon) mode these days.

    I might have thought of this because something triggered me on the weekend to look up when my own progressed Scorpio Moon will shift to Sagittarius. My pMoon entered Scorpio on March 28, 2020 and enters Sag on Fall Equinox this year, 9/22/22. I’ve been dreaming of that expansive feeling, like a great weight has lifted. Perhaps that’s my pMoon shift.

      1. Yes, progressed Sun in Pisces, which has been the case, however, for 17 years already. I would say that I’ve gotten more and more used to the Piscean progression, especially during the covid years when I was forced to stop traveling long distances. Thanks for reminding me that progressed Mars just entered Aquarius! YES!

    1. The progressed Sun moves 30° in thirty years, so one degree per year. What degree of Pisces was your Sun in when born? Subtract that date (that number) from 30, to find out when your Sun entered Aries, where it remained for 30 years, and then entered Taurus, where it remains for 30 years, etc. Very easy to figure out. The Progressed Sun adds a patina to the natal Sun sign by doesn’t eclipse it.

    1. Okay, so when you were born your Sun was at 26° Pisces. At four years, it went into Aries. At 34 years, it went into Taurus. At 64 years, it went into Gemini. You are now at 11° Gemini, not quite half way through this sign.

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