WHO IS DAVID ICKE? Astrology, Timing of Significant Turning Points

Speaking of Questioning Assumptions, I watched a recent video with David Icke a few days ago in which he questioned one of my assumptions — always a welcome thing! It is this: Icke claims that the center of reality for each person is not the sovereign soul. Even the sovereign soul is a cover, enclosing what is central, namely one’s point of attention. It goes without saying that we both assume the universe (or multiverse, or however we want to attempt to label what is essentially mystery) is conscious, is infinite consciousness. And therefore, I would like to add, is alive.

Unfortunately, I can no longer locate that one video. However, it set me out on hunt for more. Not that I haven’t been familiar with Icke for decades. But mostly second hand. And mostly having to do with his long-held claim that a reptilian overlord race is controlling the tippy top of the pyramid of human beings. This claim is at the heart of why Icke was ridiculed for so many years.

But, no longer! So much of what David Icke predicted is now rolling out, coming true, that his global audience has been expanding exponentially ever since 2016, when he went on his first world tour, talking to massive audiences for up to ten hours at a time.

That he made me question one of my assumptions makes me want to know more about him, especially about his background, and what have been the major turning points in his life. And first of course, I wanted to look at his birthchart.

David Icke was born  April 29 1952, 7:15 pm, Leicester UK.

Looking at his T-cross, with that strong, indefatigible 7th house Taurus Sun opposite first house Mars in Scorpio, both square his Leo MC,  this man was obviously built to take any amount of abuse, and still not only survive, but thrive, in the spotlight.

The Taurus/Scorpio/Leo focus in fact, reminded me of Anthony Fauci’s chart, another character who seems to be able to survive any amount of abuse. The difference between the two? Fauci is a chronic liar; Icke a chronic truth-teller.

By the way, Icke, like Vladimir Putin, was born in 1952, and both carry the Saturn/Neptune in Libra square Uranus in Cancer generational signature. However,  in Icke’s case, Uranus joined by the emotional Moon, making this signature also decidedly personal. Both also have that Saturn/Neptune in the 12th house. Icke speaks directly of universal love (Saturn/Neptune) as the hoped for outcome of present turbulence in the human family (his Moon with Uranus in Cancer), and frankly, I assume Putin does too, in his heart of hearts. Icke doesn’t bother to keep his goal hidden, given his Mercury in Aries opposite that Libra conjunction. He speaks his truth, no matter what. His ascendant is also in Libra. Putin’s Ascendant, however, is in secretive Scorpio. That Neptune/Saturn signature is held, deep within.

Okay. Back to Icke with no comparisons to other world figures!

Life up to 21. A fearful child, until he discovered football. Then rheumatoid arthritis kicked in and ruined his first career as a noted “footballer.” Note that the first quarter cycle of volatile Uranus occurs at the age of 21. In his case, at this age, he suddenly had to stop, and redirect his energies.

His fame as a footballer then segued into work as a sports broadcaster.

Okay, but what happened after that, I asked myself. How did he transform into an international prophet and truth-teller? I decided to order his most recent book, Perceptions of A Renegade Mind.

Ok. Done. Oops! Maybe I didn’t need to order it. Because right after that I discovered this video, a full-length feature about David Icke’s Life.

Well, then I’d better top everything and watch it, 96 minutes long.

Okay, that took the rest of the morning. And VERY WORTH WATCHING, I might add. Especially loved three sections of this video.

The first, starting at minute 22, is the story of how, in 1990,  for a year or so leading up to that, he began to feel a “presence” in the room, whenever he was alone. That this “presence” got stronger and stronger, up to the point where he finally asked it out loud to let him know what was going on. That was in March 1990, when he happened to go into a book store and felt the presence there. A strong inner voice told him to look at a particular book shelf. So he did, and discovered a book by psychic Betty Shine. Immediately, he knew he had to make an appointment with her.

Betty Shine told him, the sports broadcaster, that he was to go upon the world stage, that he would be a healer and face enormous opposition. And ever since then, he says, “my life has been an incredible synchronistic journey” with both truths told him on the inner plane and directions as to where he could find truth in the external world.

This led to him writing Truth Vibrations, the first of what are now, 20 books.

2) But then, he said, an even larger jolt to his awareness came at the turn of the millennium, when he received the key to “an understanding of what reality is.” At minute 28-29, the film then segues into a scene from the Movie The Matrix, which he says is correct, having to to do with frequency and frequency bands. Plus, he continues, minute 31 through 36, we live in a “simulation,” that “the physics of computer games and physics of our reality are basically the same.”

Let’s stop here and note that his breakthrough with “the presence” and Betty Shine into his life’s work, occurred when he was 38, at his Uranus opposition. Thus, both at the ages of 21 and 38, Icke experienced drastic Uranian changes that expanded both his life and his world-view. Note also, that 1989-1991 heralded the very rare Uranus/Neptune/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, which reverberated here on earth as the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the break-up of the Soviet Union, and resulted, Icke points out, several times, in the neo-con Project for a New American Century, which planned to “take out seven countries in five years,” and of whom one of the architects, Robert Kagan, is the husband of Victoria Nuland, who oversaw the 2014 Maiden Revolution in Ukraine as well as spilled the beans just a few weeks ago with her admission that yes,  there are (Pentagon funded) bio-labs in the Ukraine.

(What happened during that time for you? For me, in July 1989 I received the dream of a raven clawing on my shoulders from behind, cawing, “Wake up! It’s Time!” which led, within two weeks, to the start of the Crone Chronicles which went on for 12 years and still reverberates through the culture. See: The Crone Chronicles Experiment.)

The third section of this video, which I really really appreciated, was his in-person meeting and conversation with Alice Walker (at minute 43) whom he considers a spiritual soul mate and who lauds him for his “sheer nerve.”

Now David Icke is reflecting back on all that has happened during these last 30 years since he felt the presence, which led him to Betty Shine and his extraordinarily daring journey as a truth teller.

30 years: ONE SATURN CYCLE.  


4 thoughts on “WHO IS DAVID ICKE? Astrology, Timing of Significant Turning Points

  1. Re Icke’s “long-held claim that a reptilian overlord race is controlling the tippy top of the pyramid of human beings”

    He never presented any evidence that they are shape-shifting reptiles. It’s a fantasy served to the fantasy-loving public.

    What IS true and verifiable by reality is that the ruling authorities are a bunch of PSYCHOPATHS … https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

    And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is (see cited source above).

    But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains.

    Icke is not just a truth-teller but also lie-spreader. An unwitting (?) entity of controlled opposition.

    1. Icke, it turns out, is not the only one who refers to reptilian entities at the top of the pyramid. But he was the first to do so in the public eye. Some of his views I do not agree with, for example, his perspective that Trump is just like all the rest of ’em. Sometimes when you create an ultra-strong and fruitful frame to hold ideas and perceptions, that frame has trouble dealing with anomalies — like Trump. And there are always anomalies. No frame is identical to the reality it aims to describe. If Icke, more than anyone else, is an unwitting promoter of disinfo, that remains to be seen.

  2. Kathrine’s points are taken yet I must share a personal and long-time nagging question which feeds into the veracity of David Icke’s claims regarding origins of Planet Earth’s nemesis . . .

    Of what value is scorched earth to a Human victor?

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