WOKE-ISM: Tucker Carlson, Pope Francis, and Me — WE AGREE! — and more . . .


As the “civilized” world suffers financial contagion on this Monday, I remain grateful that, though it may take the entire civilized world down, it will also decimate woke, reducing it to a mere footnote in the annals of ignorant ideologies that ruined lives and took way too much time and energy to dissipate.

Hey, and did you see where antifa (who’s still paying these foolish goons?) attacked a support rally for those who have awakened from indoctrinated foolishness and now want to de-trans?

Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at DeTransition Awareness Rally

Okay, back to Tucker, Pope Francis, and Me . . .

Start with Tucker whose demeanor, I notice, in this more casual context, gets much more animated than his usual on air. In fact, I’d call his emotional evisceration of woke doctrine hilarious.

But what really really really floats my boat is finding myself in agreement with New World Order Pope Francis! What? And not only with his position, but with his arguments! This astonishing conundrum reminds me of possible pointers to unification I put up in yesterday’s post.


Pope Francis Bashes Gender Ideology, Calling It Dangerous


Or, as I prefer to call it, the dynamic tension between opposites — and that goes for Above/Below, light/dark, conscious/unconscious, capitalism/socialism, individual/community, and so on. The continuous friction between both poles of any duality is what fuels the conditions for continuous emergence of noveltyand therefore, full-on aliveness.

The smearing of gender categories is likely pushed by the New World Order in order to continue its evisceration of the family unit, which, until the 1960s (and the rise of “the second wave of feminism” — which yes, I too, at the time, was indoctrinated into; and especially, I would add, with the then incorporation of “feminism” as a program or department within universities, which spurred increasing complexity and differentiation of “genders” as PhD candidates sought to distinguish themselves via their dissertation topics), was intact. Well, sort of intact. At least the nuclear family was still intact — which however, spurred the isolation of women inside the home, made them ripe for Betty Friedan’s motto: “the problem that has no name” — loneliness.

But let us remember that, prior to World War II, so was the extended family intact. And that’s the foundation of real resilience in even western society. Or it was. The G.I. Bill changed all that, as soldiers, promised both homes and higher education, left their extended families behind. And, unfortunately, but not surprisingly, within two decades that nuclear family . . . began to explode.

So now we have multiple generations growing up without stable families, especially fatherless children, confused by chaotic, desperate conditions at home, and fed by increasingly toxic gender indoctrination in schools — all resulting in horrific confusion of smeared gender categories, with plenty of moolah to be made by Big Pharma and Big Med. Confusion — like F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) re: the covid con — can be used to ignite compliance, with whatever the Mother Weffers (Clif High term) want to roll out now in their fading New World Order wet dream.

So here we go, bank runs. Talk about fear! Who is NOT going to pull at least some cash out of their bank today.

Clif High, as usual, is tracking what’s going on and what to expect in the comings as what he calls “The Big Ugly” reaches its crescendo.

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