TRUTH VS LIES: Tucker Carlson shines a bright light for us all

Remember Tucker Carlson’s impassioned commentary on the difference in demeanor between those who speak truth and those who resort to lies that accompanied the clips he showed from the J6 tapes?

Well, In this 41 minute interview, Tucker’s impassioned attitude continues, as he speaks about committing himself to the Truth with an old friend and former co-worker, Clayton Morris, of the Redacted platform.

From my notes:

When asked how does he protect himself from the firestorm that blew at him after he put up the J6 “shaman” clips last Monday, Tucker replies that he has hardly noticed. “Maybe I’m a sociopath,” he begins, humorously, but he says, he doesn’t even know what they are saying, since he doesn’t have a television (hasn’t for many years); basically, he just doesn’t give a hoot about what anybody thinks of him.

Plus, he says, several times, gravely: “If we don’t have free speech, then we are slaves.”

He thinks it a “miracle” that independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Russell Brand, and Glenn Greenwald are “creating balance.” Says he “believes in balance”: as the MSM lies are exposed, so do powerful truth tellers surface.

He points out that his bosses at Fox, though they often disagree with him, do not stop him from telling the truth as he sees it. And he says over and over again, if they tried to stop him, he would quit.

He looks back to when he was towing the MSM line, beLIEving all the propaganda re: the Iraq war, for example. He speaks with chagrin and apology for his attacks on others who did not tow the line leading up to that war, something he understood when he traveled there after the war began. Says whenever he realizes he’s been wrong, he knows he must apologize and tell the truth. That only if he admits when he was wrong, can he continue in good faith. Furthermore, telling the truth doesn’t just set you free, it makes you stronger.

Re: not putting out more J6 tapes after the shaman clips: unlike those who think he was shut down from doing so, he explains that, even though his crew went through thousands of hours of these tapes, and he personally saw many clips where it appeared that someone who pretended to be MAGA (with clothes, cap, etc.), but actually had a microphone in his ear and was, he’s sure of it, FBI in disguise; even so, what if, in any single case, he was wrong? To shine the spotlight on that person would hurt the one who had been misidentified. So, even though he knew what much of what was happening on that day was, he kept repeating, “not organic,” he didn’t put out any more tapes from that event.

(In other words, he stuck to the personal reason for not posting any of what he thought were non-organic clips — not mentioning that legally FOX could get in trouble — which to me, seems a bit disingenous.)

He said that as far as he knows, his show was the only one that asked for the tapes, and that they had been asking for the J6 tapes “for years!” And, he added, despite that he’s been totally critical of McCarthy for years, “so we are definitely not friends,” McCarthy chose his show to air them first.

As I recall, he said several times that he refuses to lie anymore. I wonder, “anymore”? But I think he means continue to promote something that he later realizes is not true.

I’ve been noticing Tucker more and more over the past, what is it? two years or so. Especially lately, and have been wondering how he keeps his job — and even more, how he stays alive, given the kind of news presentations he’s been making. The above video helps me to see him more fully; and, looking at his privileged background (which, BTW, he fully admits), I imagine he feels somewhat impervious to whatever they throw at him.

On the other hand, it’s when I looked at his astrology chart that my understanding of his underlying nature snapped into focus.

May 16, 1969, 10:07 AM, San Francisco


First, the obvious: his chart is unusually highly aspected and configured, his energies working in concert with one another. Then, when I zeroed in on it, what instantly jumped out at me: this man has both Sun and Moon (plus Saturn) in stubborn, steady, earthy Taurus, conjunct in the later degrees of that sign. Furthermore his Sun/Moon combo opposes idealistic visionary Neptune in Scorpio, ruler of his Pisces north node, and forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter (plus south node) and Pluto conjunct in fastidious, perfectionist, analytic Virgo (with Uranus just peeking into Libra next to them.) Talk about a powerhouse! Three outer planets, plus Jupiter, and the nodes, connecting strongly and harmoniously with his Sun/Moon combo.

Just the links among these five planets plus nodes convey a strong message. But when you see them in context with his Ascendant, at 25° Cancer, itself conjunct 24° Mercury in the U.S. chart, and opposed to the U.S. Pluto at 27°, now is being crossed by Pluto, for the very first time in this nation’s history, the curtain opens on the real play, one that will go down in history.

Tucker’s Cancer Ascendant, i.e., his persona, the face he shows to the world, forming a strong configuration with many other planets, is utterly attuned to the family/home/community concerns of this nation of which he is a citizen. He speaks, more and more, for all of us, especially now, during the first ever U.S. Pluto return opposite natal U.S. Mercury.

There’s so much more; of course there’s always more. For example, his own Mercury, at 11° Gemini, opposes his natal Mars at 14° Sagittarius. He is concerned with both fact (Gemini) and evidence (Jupiter/Pluto Virgo), as well as with the context or perspective, ie. Truth, within which to place them. And he speaks, especially when not “on air” in the usual sense, with great passion (Mars) (see video above).

And here’s the kicker. When I went to look at his chart, I noticed instantly that he had many planets retrograde at birth. Right away,I thought to myself: I bet he has a progressed planet turning to go direct. NOW. In other words, whatever that planet is, its nature is now, finally, fully released. I say this because the public’s perception of him is now being enormously magnified.

And yes, he does, and that planet is, wait for it . . .  MARS in philosophical, truth-seeking Sagittarius. Retrograde when he was born, Mars waited until he was 53 years old to turn and go direct. He’s now 54. A broadcaster for 32 years, already totally accustomed to the limelight, it turns out that Tucker’s just getting started sharing Sagittarian Truth in an even more massive manner with the public, giving larger and larger perspective to an expanse (Jupiter) of powerful (Pluto) facts (Mercury  that he (and his crew) unearths (Sun/Moon in Taurus).

There’s more, there’s always more. But this should be enough to give both the flavor and the timing, of Tucker Carlson’s ascendancy on the global stage.

It will be fascinating to see what’s in store for him as transit Uranus, now at 16° Taurus, reaches his  Sun/Moon conjunction, 2024-26.

I’m not the only person who admires Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson Unbound: Setting Fire to the Uniparty





4 thoughts on “TRUTH VS LIES: Tucker Carlson shines a bright light for us all

  1. Thought to mention, Tucker’s Sun is conjunct Algol. One would wonder what happens when Uranus comes for a drive by.

    1. Wow. Didn’t notice that. Perhaps he is one of the rare spiritually based Sun/Algol who can grab hold of, and even unblinkingly relish decapitating corruption wherever he finds it? And that this conjunction is what makes him seem almost gleeful about it? Perhaps Sun/Algol also protects him from those who would decapitate him?

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