Beware the Ides of March: MULTIPLE MEMES!


Let’s start with a few memories.

What’s changed?

Well, we know more now  . . .   about the covid cult, and, uh . . .  “the science.”

Odd, how the smartest seeming people turn out to be robots.

Oh, and let me break up this meme medley here, to feature Charles Eisenstein, whose robot wants to be a man . . . oh! . .  . oooo . . . on no! Actually he is a man who turned into a robot and wants to break free!!! To come alive! (Finally.)

Then there’s the J6 bullshit, recently exposed by Tucker Carlson. WHAT! No! No! NO! Can’t be!

Yep. Now that we know there is no difference between them, that instead of Republicans vs. Democrats, it’s sovereign souls vs globalism, with a clear fork in the road and we sovereign souls pushed from behind by the latest, and even more ubiquitous contagion, failing banks, to take the left or the right turn. But how can we? It’s so confusing (by design). How to tell which is which!

Trump’s new futuristic “freedom” cities on federal land vs the WEF 15-minute, tiny cubicle lockdown cities. Again, which is which?

Then there’s the “intersection” between woke and awake. In all sorts of areas, not just the recently deceased, “suddenly,” “unexpectedly,” regulators likely “baffled. . .” Silly Valley Bank.

And its politically correct employees . .  .

— and these include views about “the virus.” Accidentally leaked from a lab? Deliberately leaked from a lab? Oh, but wait. Didn’t it originally come from Ft. Detrick North Carolina, and then Fauci pushed GoF function research to China (and Ukraine) instead in 2014, after three different viruses leaked from labs here in the states and Obama was forced to outlaw GoF research on U.S. soil?

Hey yeah, but remember: this whole scenario may serve as the next convenient false flag deep state banksters/weapons manufacturers must forever finger as the next “enemy.” Yep: time to switch propaganda from Russia Russia Russia to Chy-na!

Well, yeah, I suppose we might as well blame Buy-den for everything . . . Makes it a lot easier, to just point our crooked finger in one direction. Too confusing otherwise. Too overwhelming to think that the entire “ship of state” including corporations, willing fools and brainwashed fools, would actually be complicit, and thus deserve to go down . . .


Oh wait — we’re not done with Ukraine!





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