DIVINE TIMING? Total lunar eclipse ignites “Special Counsel” John Durham’s first trial — and MORE!

Note: See previous two posts on the Eclipse.

John Durham, the famous “Special Counsel” appointed by Barr in October prior to the 2020 election to ensure that his investigation of the FBI, begun in April 2019, could continue no matter who won — has, it appears, been pursuing the deep roots of the corruption that has infected the swamp since 2016. For three years, no one has seen or heard from him. There have been no leaks out of his office, wherever that is located. All along, we’ve seen only one photo of his stern, take no prisoners face.

Hell, he might not even be a real person! — opined the more cynical among us.

But then, the Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio/Taurus culminated, at around midnight, Monday, October 16th, and voila!, nine hours later, the first of Durham’s three upcoming trials, this one focused on ex-Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann, into the origins of FBI investigation of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election, began with jury selection in Washington, D.C., — and voila! There was the mysterious John Durham, walking into the courthouse.


Re: judge and jury . . .

Important to realize in an even-crazier-than-usual era where “objectivity” has gone by the wayside:

The judge:

Christopher Cooper, an Obama-appointee, is married to Lisa Page’s lawyer,  and . . .

Why did not Durham ask Cooper to recuse himself? That Cooper invited him to do so, tells us Cooper may have integrity, and if so, Durham did not need to.

The Jury:

Here’s the chart for opening arguments, which begin Tuesday, this morning, at 9:00 AM.

Two configurations, in this chart, stand out for me. The first is that today is the day when Mars reached exact conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, at 24+°. (Keep this in mind. I’ll return to it later.)

BTW: that Mars/Neptune conjunction is only two degrees from the 22° midheaven, so very much in public view.

The other significant configuration: intrepid, stubborn, determined Sun in Taurus, currently forming a harmonious trine (120°) with death/rebirth Pluto in Capricorn — which is, as usual, busy destroying all structures, at whatever level, that have been corrupted —sits now only two degrees (or two days, since Sun moves one degree per day) from exactness. Might this trial last only three days? Or might it somehow culminate in three days? Clearly the power is on the side of the prosecution, especially since Durham chose a relatively minor crime to start the ball rolling, while still bringing in witnesses who will begin to clarify — for the jury, for the American public — various implicative threads within the poisonous Mars/Neptune web.

BTW: It appears that the always effective Kash Patel has decided to make the Sussmann trial front and center of this nation’s polarized, ultra-divided attention, via a brilliant PR move.

Remember Q? Remember a line from Q drop 1418, June 12, 2018?

“Kash yap Patel — name to remember.”  Hmmm . . . Kash certainly does get around, and knows how to drive his arrows deep into the heart of whatever he targets.

Okay, back to that Mars/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, the sign Neptune rules — is there anything more confusing than the endless stream of news about the Russia Russia Russia investigation? From what I can gather, it appears that for fully three years Durham has been delving into making sense of the messy, confusing, deceptive, multi-layered (Mars/Neptune) web of clandestine and not-so-clandestine operatives that tried to nail Trump to the Russia wall and failed.

How does Durham do it? The entire situation would have driven me into lala land by this time.

But . . . wait for it! John Durham, born March 16, 1950, has his natal Sun at 25° Pisces — exactly conjunct today’s exact Mars/Neptune conjunction! What are the odds?

Sabian symbol for 25° Pisces:

It appears that Special Counsel John Durham was born for this moment in time, with his “purging of the priesthood” natal Sun illuminating this very day’s exact conjunction of Mars with Neptune.







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