FROM BIG AG TO LOCAL: How, in my mind, any consideration detonates others

Do you realize that both during World War I, with “War Gardens” —


— and during World War II, with “Victory Gardens,”

World War II, with "Victory Gardens,"

— which, for your information, ended up producing 40% of all the vegetables grown in the U.S. —

— the U.S. population, in order to serve “the war effort,” was programmed into creating food production at home rather than via Big Ag?

Programming a population to move it in a certain direction is nothing new. That became startlingly clear to me when I read Marge Piercy’s book, Gone to Soldiers, about World War II. In the book, she tells how, after the war was over, the USG no longer programmed women to be Rosie the Riveter.

Gone to Soldiers

Instead, they were to return home, marry G.I.’s, move away from their extended families into “nuclear” families (which exploded in the 1960s and 1970s), have babies, and enjoy their new modern appliances.

nuclear" families

From post-World War II to 2022, mind control programing continues. BINGO! Notice how Covid was miraculously pulled from the public’s obsessive attention just as Ukraine got going, and Putin, once again, was inserted as the devil himself? From one focus of the prevailing mass formation hypnotic spell to another — just like that!

All of which means, to me,  that, as long as the MSM propaganda arm of the deep state within the USG is going to program us . . .

. . . let’s notice it, take hold of it, steer it in the direction of what’s good for us, what renders us both more independent and more interconnected, with both each other and the earth beneath our feet.

Think I’m dreaming? Think it’s not time to think in such a utopian manner? See the facts cited at the beginning of this post.

Meanwhile, lest I pretend to know what I’m talking about, ever since I began my ongoing, close, sustained reading (at the rate of two or three pages a day) of what I call “the orange book,” The Dawn of Everything: A New HIstory of Humanity, by David Graeber and David Wengrow’, I realize that to discuss any ongoing situation in terms of dichotomies (as I tend to do), but beyond that, to not pay attention to the myriads of historical circumstances and other complexities of how any movement evolves, I’m more and more bowing to the notion that “IT ALL DEPENDS.” That, first of all, everything depends on what questions we ask (Graeber and Wengrow continuously ask new questions), plus everything depends on everything else. Crucial circumstances proliferate. There is no single linear cause/effect relationship taking us from the past into the future.

All of which means: when I say, let’s return to growing locally from relying on Big Ag (a dichotomy), I know damn well, that my suggestion is, though necessary, if we don’t want to starve to death in the coming lean years, both quixotic and it won’t be easy to make the switch. But hey! I bet we could at least grow 40% of our own vegetables like they did in World War II. How about it? Are you game?

Though you may think that even to speak in such a manner shows contrarian tendencies, and god forbid! they should take hold


I have a feeling that this tendency towards food production at home,  is entirely possible, given that it began in earnest during the programmed plandemic “lockdown,” when people realized they might as well start getting outside in their own yards, since they weren’t supposed to go anywhere else, and besides, they remembered when their parents and/or grandparents grew their own food, how thrifty they were, how they “knew how to do stuff.”


Indeed, my own father, a stern German doctor who criticized me relentlessly for “wasting my good brain” as a student and practitioner of astrology, was pleased as punch when I got going on this experimental project, the Green Acres Permaculture Village and Urban Farm.

Why? As a kid, he was the one in charge of the folks’ large family garden between the wars.

What goes around comes around.


Oh, and speaking of complexities, check out this chronology of food production since this nation got going. Mind-boggingly complex, detailed, and yes, everything depended (and still does) on everything else.

What do Buddhists call this phenomenon, “co-dependent arising”?


3 thoughts on “FROM BIG AG TO LOCAL: How, in my mind, any consideration detonates others

  1. Hi Ann, thank you for reminding me that I need to finally start the garden I have been thinking about for the last few years. What do you typically grow and where do you buy your seeds?

    1. You might speak to people who grow food in your area to get a better idea of what to grow there in Ecuador. High altitude, near the equator. So very different than sea level at 39°N. In past years we scoured through various organic seed companies, but this year used seeds left over from years past, and most of them germinated. Territorial Seeds is one of the companies we use. Can’t remember the others.

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