Virus FearBreaking: Boris Johnson has just ended the virus in the U.K. No masks, no mandates. Here we go.

The indefatigible Dr. Joseph Mercola points to recent indications that the the FDA is now admitting facts about the so-called pandemic that we awake ones have long known, and then goes on to state that the chief reason “the narrative” is about done, is (of course), not medical, but political:  Joe Biden will deliver his SOTU address on March 1, and if he is to claim he has “conquered” the virus, it will have to be over by then. But, and this is interesting, Mercola also notes that Pfizer’s documents all have to be made public by that same date, March 1 (rather than 75 years into the future). No doubt the conjunction of these two events on the same day will generate yet another battle in this year which some are calling a 50/50 year, with the good guys and the bad guys both seeming, at times, to hold the winning card.

Pandemic Narrative Undergoes Radical U-Turn

We know damn well that something is next, because they’ve got to keep the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) going, the recently named “mass formation” solidly spell-binding the populace until all the globlalist ducks are in a row and they can morph the 5% of deplorables who somehow remain alive into enslaved transhumanist (“Human.1”) bots. Yuck!

I place my bets on one of two scenarios, Climate Change or Alien Invasion.

CLIMATE CHANGE (whether “global warming” or “global cooling,” both can promote all sorts of fear-porn scenarios, plus roll out more taxes to enrich the 1% while pretending to “combat” the fact that the universe is constantly changing, that stability is always impermanent, that our very lives are finite, that each of us will actually DIE (but see this . . .)! Oh no!

In October 2021, the WHO put up this post on its website.

Climate Change and Health

Read it, you’ll see how our supposed overlords can almost imperceptibly shift us from “the virus” to climate-related diseases, in which case, we — whose deep cultural indoctrination early on split our minds from our bodies, and who have been taught to see the body as a machine, a closed system that can only be “fixed” by outside experts; we who, therefore, fear our own bodies (as well as the larger Earth body, i.e., seeing nature herself as a closed system machine (thanks, LaMettrie!) — of course will continue to fear the prospects of dis-ease, and its corollary, DEATH, ad infinitum.

ALIEN INVASION (whether from inside, above, and/or upon the Earth already). Carol Rosin, in her famous warning from her mentor, Von Braun, said that he told her we “must prevent the weaponization of space, “which would be spurred, he told her, by a succession of fake “threats.” First the Russians, then terrorism, then rogue nations, then asteroids, and finally, the “last card,” the extraterrestrial threat.

However, there’s a question about Von Braun himself: as one of the paperclip scientists who came over from Nazi Germany, was he actually placed in his position to lead the U.S. astray by focusing on propulsion technologies for lifting off into space rather than more advanced technologies back-engineered by the Nazis?

Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion – a genuine warning or Fourth Reich deception?

You see how the “alien invasion” threat drops immediately into a deep rabbit hole, one which branches in a million directions, rather like all those tunnels and DUMBS within Earth that have hollowed her into a honeycomb.

In any case, we can bet that the globalists are about to attempt to distract us, once again, from our authentic lives — learning the complexities of who we are as sovereign (embodied) souls at one with all, yes: let us re-member of who we really are as conscious, alive, interpenetrating, interwoven members of one body, that of our beautiful, conscious, living Earth in endless loving communion with realms beyond.

FEAR or LOVE. Fear contracts. Love expands. Which do you choose?



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