Larken Rose on current (covid) tyrannny: NEVER FORGET!

This brilliant video begins with a precise, extended, eight-minute articulation of historical precursors to the psychopathology that infects those who have proved susceptible to the covid tyranny these past two years. (Otherwise known as mass formation, or hypnotic spell.) Unfortunately, the video will not attract those who are still infected; in fact, those few who do manage to listen, despite internal squirming, to the first eight minutes, will then be forced to recognize, likely with a jolt, that Larken Rose is speaking to them! — and so instantly and furiously shut it down.

However, this amazing video may serve to help some of us “purebloods” more fully understand and articulate the psychological and relational specifics of the strange, polarized world we are living in. And, I would add, it may insert possible moments of opportunity when someone who has been indoctrinated into the infection sees you as the enemy.

Everything depends on whether your loving response to their vitriol helps them to admit that you are actually a serious person, of equal value to their own self-assessment! If so, then, this exchange might help the one infected fall into the cognitive dissonance required to begin to “wake up.”

I see “cognitive dissonance” as the moment when the internal tide shifts. Roiling currents collide; and yet the pull of the Moon inexorably harmonizes the scary confusion into a unified force moving in the opposite direction. (Or as we say: blue pill to red pill.)

So, though we cannot force anyone to break the covid spell that has them caught, we can respond to their automatic hate (projected fear) with loving, compassionate concern. The result? Cognitive (and emotional) dissonance, the turning of the tide.

P.S. I do wonder how Larken Rose is still on youtube! And now that I’ve discovered him, will pursue more.


3 thoughts on “Larken Rose on current (covid) tyrannny: NEVER FORGET!

  1. WOW! Thanks, Ann, for posting. I’ve been called conspiracy theorist, selfish, a danger to the public, banned, and not long ago, I got, “If you love me, you’ll get vaxed!” Needless to say, I’ve few friends these days, and my “compassion” due date has just about expired. I’m in my 70’s, too, and I can only hope that before I leave this planet, there will be some indication that this war has been exposed for what it was and peace prevails inner and outer. Get the inner, the outer follows… usually! B.

    1. You’re very welcome, Barbara. Can you imagine how many are with us? I just heard that the Dances of Universal Peace received a “deluge” of complaints about their vax requirement. Glad to know I wasn’t alone in my dismay at losing my spiritual community. We all need to find one another and begin a parallel journey.

  2. He is brilliant in setting the stage before shifting to what’s been happening past 2 years. I’m holding onto it, even if my dear family and friends may never be able to reconcile this truth. I think there are many millions of us, and that has kept us sane and hopeful. I continue to be impressed by those like Lauren who do speak out on YouTube and social media. I have chosen to speak out in private situations and stay under the radar. Yet I know I am playing the role I came to play to raise consciousness and holding the line. Thanks for sharing this with us Ann. Happy Mother’s Day!

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