More on today’s “TEST”

A friend of mine went much further than I did, with an interesting result:

“I turned off all devices, turned off wifi, wrapped my cell in aluminum foil and stuck that and my laptop in the microwave, which is a Faraday cage of sorts. I heard nothing, but when I turned my phone back on, At&T sent a text that they discovered an issue with my wifi. Hopefully, I’m not on some list now. Since when are we REQUIRED to keep wifi plugged in?”

Geez, who’s on what list?

George Orwell comes to mind.

2 thoughts on “More on today’s “TEST”

  1. I wrapped my phone in foil, not because I feared something nefarious, but just to see what would happen, and an easy occasion to stick it to the man of course. I wrapped it at 11 am and went for a motorcycle ride to lunch with a friend. Sometime after 2 several phones went off at the dining tables around us followed by a few more a bit later, a passing cyclist, another table, and finally my friend’s phone. I suspect it went through different carriers at different times.

    My phone did not alert in the foil. It was left turned on the entire time. When unwrapped at 3pm I had no alerts or messages, so it worked for me. The foil was a bit finicky so I’m going to get a Faraday bag. I don’t exactly know why, but instinct says do it.

  2. Ha ha ha……
    Just turned my phone and computer off….not that I thought something would actually happen! If anything, I thought it was a ploy to get “conspiracy theorists” look more crazy and less credible.
    No notice when I turned my phone back on…..

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