Re: Last night’s Alex Jones post: EGG ON MY FACE!

I just, this morning, added this note to last night’s post . . .

Yesterday’s post needs a correction, due to a factual error. It appears that when I looked at his transits, I was really talking about MY natal Saturn in Gemini, not his. (Needing to be careful with “facts.”) Projection at its most blatant. This mistake does not affect my analysis of his natal chart, just the Transit section. See post I’m about to do today . . .


So. Here goes . . .

How did I discover the mistake?

I didn’t.

Laura Bruno did, immediately upon posting.

Here’s her email to me:

Notice that her message came in at 10:27; I didn’t finish a publish that post until minutes earlier!

In fact I had started the post, but then didn’t have time to work on it most of yesterday (due to regular Friday morning GAPV work party, when I was preserving kale), plus regular afternoon nap, and then other internal “village” goings on, plus heading downtown to First Friday Gallery Walk yesterday evening (scarfing leftovers on the way down, staining both white teeshirt and brown shorts) at Marita’s invitation, where I rediscovered a number of old Bloomington friends . . .

For example, the final one: Marita and I had just returned to the car in time to not get a ticket. Along the sidewalk I saw an old woman. Recognized her . . . “Hey,” I yelled out, through the open window. “I KNOW YOU!.” Startled, she looked over, and then recognition dawned: “I know you too!” I immediately bounded out of the car and crushed her in a big hug.

Then, drawing back, “But I don’t remember your name!”


“Oh yes, I remember now. Do you know that you are a person that comes into my mind once in a while? That I wonder how you are doing?”

“Same with me,” she stated. “You come into my mind once in a while. And I wonder how you’re doing.”

We agreed that probably means that we’re thinking about each other at the same time. “Because that’s how it works!” she stated. YES. (Especially during Neptune’s transit through Pisces!)

Right then and there we decided to reconnect in 3D. She still has my contact info and will email me to start. Until last night’s encounters, I didn’t realize how much I’ve been holed up here, for at least seven years! And it’s easy to do, since Green Acres Permaculture Village really does feel like an oasis, a tiny paradise in the midst of the gathering global maelstrom . . .

Okay, back to Alex Jones.

I usually retire around 9 pm. Why did I feel the need to get the Alex Jones post out late at night after being downtown with Marita? Because, it turns out, I needed to show how factual errors can creep in, which tend to alter the framework (or linguistic context that attempts to articulate “meaning”) either completely or partially. In other words, I needed to actually experience a bit of what Alex Jones is going through now. Plus, once again i needed to surrender (see my recent posts on wasp/hornet stings) to the strange, tumultuous (Mars/Uranus/North Node square Saturn), “reality-bending” (Neptune in Pisces) energy cascading through all of us during this pivotal moment in world his-story.

If I had just done one thing differently . .  if I had just checked to see how old Alex Jones is . . . Let’s see: if he was born on February 11, 1974, then how old is he? I remember a tiny voice repeatedly advising me to check his current age, but I brushed the voice aside, so determined was my own Saturn in Gemini to get the post out before I went to bed.

ALEX JONES IS ONLY 48 YEARS OLD! There’s no way he could be undergoing his Saturn Return (ages 58-60). DUH! So, as Laura instantly pointed out: transit Saturn is NOT in Gemini now, it’s in Aquarius! Well yeah, DUH again. My mind was obviously befuddled by what I was trying to keep track of late at night (or late for me, at night). I had looked at his natal Saturn in Gemini and then somehow named it as transit Saturn in Gemini! — which then, would have been conjunct for him, i.e., Saturn Return.

The irony of my factual (Gemini) mistake (Saturn) here is strong, with several layers:

1) I happen to have natal Saturn in Gemini, just like he does, and I need to continually check “facts” as does he, who is undergoing a karmic whiplash effect right now.

2) My post on Alex Jones last night was meant to go through, despite how it might confuse others (sorry!), as a warning to me! I was doing the same thing in that post as the court decided he was doing. Again, “misinformation,” but “not on purpose.” Or at least not on purpose in terms of my own ego (which is, of course, predictably humiliated), but with a higher order purpose, to remind me of my own Saturn in Gemini lessons that MUST be learned over this lifetime. More than any other planet, Saturn represents “learning from experience”, which means, in practice, “from mistakes.”

Okay, so what’s the real story about Saturn transit to Alex Jones chart right now? Well, as Laura pointed out, since transit Saturn, now retrograde, sits at 22° Aquarius, exactly conjunct his 22° Aquarian Jupiter and retreating from its exact contact with his 24° Aquarian Sun. A deflationary move for expansive Jupiter (and Sun), if ever there was one: Don’t get too far out there with your analysis and conclusions. And of course, learn from your mistakes.

In any case, transit Saturn in Aquarius, for Alex Jones, is decidedly triggering his entire airy grand trine (Sun/Jupiter, Uranus/Moon, Saturn) and its two squares (Mars to Sun/Jupiter and Venus to Uranus/Moon) that fuel it through friction, because transit Saturn sits right on top of natal Sun/Jupiter and reverberates to every other planet involved in the configuration. For Mars, for example, at 23° Taurus natally, it warns him to curb his fearless warrior attitude; for Moon/Uranus at 25-28° Libra, it tells him to somehow step back from relating in his usually volatile manner; for Venus at 25° Capricorn, the stability of his long-standing infowars structure is needing to be shored up; and finally, as for his natal Saturn at 22° Gemini, well, we’ve already talked about that, and its reflection in my own factual mistake.

With this correction, the timing of this significant transit of Saturn in Aquarius to Alex Jones natal chart, conjunct the natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction (and by extension to all the above planets), is as follows:

April-August 2022, then again starting a bit in December 2022, ramping up to full power, and finalizing the meaning of this Saturn teaching: January-February 2023, to fade away during March 2023.

And his actual Saturn Return in Gemini? That doesn’t happen for another ten years!

Mea culpa, folks. Egg on my face. And thank you again, young, whip smart ally Laura Bruno!

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