WHO IS ALEX JONES? Astrology; Jon Rappoport weighs in

This post needs a correction, due to a factual error. It appears that when I looked at his transits, I was really talking about MY natal Saturn in Gemini, not his. (Needing to be careful with “facts.”) Projection at its most blatant. This mistake does not affect my analysis of his natal chart, just the Transit section. See post I’m about to do today . . .

. I’ve had as much trouble as anybody actually listening to Alex Jones. He’s so over-the-top; his rants run rampant; his blood pressure must be continuously spiking. Plus, for many years, I considered him a “conspiracy theorist,” as subliminally directed to, by mainstream media.

Now, I read this, and I shudder.


It appears that the deep state (and his own karma, see below) is now successfully? beginning to crucify Alex Jones. Plus, in our litigious society, even this initial judgment against Jones will make any influencer pause before ever using the word “false flag” again.

This judgment makes it appear that Sandy Hook, on December 14, 2012, then said to be the second most deadly mass-shooting at the time (28 dead, 2 injured) was entirely as the mainstream narrative told us to view it, a lone male mass shooting in a school (that was, BTW, soon after torn down); the official narrative as usual, was designed to advance the gun control agenda in second-amendment loving America — despite widespread suspicions that this was, at least in part, a (MK Ultra mind-controlled, manchurian candidate triggered into action? and/or on psychotropic drugs?) “lone male shooter” FALSE FLAG that also, apparently, did indeed result in the death of at least one child.

Here is a birthchart for Alex Jones, set for noon. Since I don’t know the birthtime, ignore the Ascendant, Midheaven, and the houses; just pay attention to the planets in their signs, and the aspects among them. I do think, however, that it’s likely Alex Jones does have a Taurus Ascendant as depicted here: he’s such a “bull in a China closet,” especially combined with combative Mars in Taurus as well. And notice: Mars, squares, i.e., fuels (but in a frictional manner) both Sun and expansive, generous Jupiter; plus, given their function inside a harmonious grand trine (see below), Mars serves as the powerful, determined engine that drives the drama of the chart.

Also of note: another frictional square to two other planets in the same grand trine, Venus in Capricorn, which exactly squares Moon/Uranus. Capricorn Venus, with its love of structure, goals, plans, patterns fights with the the emotional volatility. I’d say that his Venus in Capricorn part is projected, into what he’s constructed around him and through which he works: his website, infowars.com. a reliable presence on the world stage since 1999.

So, not one, but two planets, Mars and Venus, squaring and thus fueling the continuously expanding operation of the grand trine.


Sun/Jupiter in a tight conjunction in Aquarius: He does everything in a huge way (Jupiter), and is interested in the collective (Aquarius), considers us all as equals.

Moon/Uranus in late Libra: Volatile as hell, and yet, extremely relational.

Saturn with south node in Gemini. He is focused (Saturn) on getting the news (Gemini) out; his main interest is mass communication (Gemini).

These five planets, including Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Uranus, and Saturn plus the south node, all in a harmonious grand trine in air, which itself is the element of information and communication — with the energy configuration as a whole fueled by combative, fearless Mars, and operating within a predictable Capricorn Venus structure. He is DRIVEN to do what he does, and he loves the work.

That karmic south node is what seems to have done him in. His expansive (Jupiter) nature (Sun), plus the eruptive emotionality of his Moon/Uranus, doesn’t always get the (Gemini) facts exactly correct (Saturn). As he apparently said during this trial, he went with “disinformation, but not on purpose.”

NOW NOTICE!  Transit Saturn at 22° Aquarius, is during this time sitting exactly on his 22° Aquarian Sun and two degrees from his 24° Aquarian Jupiter. Thus, this karmic situation is also how he is experiencing his second Saturn Return (second time Saturn returns to its natal place).

Karma karma karma. But, with that lucky Sun/Jupiter conjunction and combative Mars in Taurus, don’t be surprised if he comes out ahead, or at least weathers this storm more successfully than just about anyone else could. Remember, with that Moon/Uranus conjunction, he’s quite used to extremely fraught situations. In fact, a part of him might even relish it.

WATCH: Alex Jones Calls Out Epstein and The Clinton’s During Trial

Now let’s read what Jon Rappoport published on this day after the first court judgment against Jones. It’s eye-opening.

Know These Things About Alex Jones

In two parts.

BTW: Rappoport’s point of view confirms Jones’ relational attitude (Libra), his allowing everybody to be truly themselves without trying to control them (Aquarius); and the personal story in part 2 reminds me of two planets I didn’t mention in my quick analysis:  his Mercury in empathic Pisces which squares visionary, idealistic Neptune in truth seeking Sagittarius, which can, however be another indication that he is sometimes deceived and/or confused).





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