Summer Solstice, June 21, 5:14 AM EDT: Fiery Energies Predominate: Destruction? Regeneration? IT’S UP TO US.


As the Sun slides from 29°59 Gemini to 0°00 Cancer, at precisely 5:14 AM EDT tomorrow, June 21, it signifies the fleeting moment when the day, in the northern hemisphere reaches its full length. Here in Bloomington, Indiana, the Sun will rise at 6:18 AM, and set at 9:17 PM, for fully 15 hours of sunshine. From tomorrow on, the days will grow shorter, and the nights longer, until Winter Solstice, December 21, when the night reaches its peak and the Sun again turns to begin its ascent. An annual cycle, and predictable — as long as Earth maintains its long-standing relationship with the Sun in our solar system.

Full Light shades into Deep Dark, and vice versa. Over and over again, the one following the other “as night the day.” Yin and yang. The clash of the opposites in 3D transforms into a dance within 5D.  The conscious (light), and the unconscious (dark). Both must be integrated, embraced in continuous dynamic balance, if we wish to unfold a meaningful, purposeful life — as individuals, as a nation.

During the three months following Spring Equinox, when light and dark are equal, months during which light pervades over dark, we tend to shine our light outwards, to express and manifest in the outer what is reflected in the inner, both visible and invisible. What begins at Spring Equinox, when the light and dark were in balance, for that one moment, until the equal balancing of Autumn Equinox six months later, when darkness begins to overtake the light, the old adage, “Make hay while the sun shines,” operates as an inner directive force. Both in the yearly cycle, and in our own lives.


When I first looked at this Summer Solstice 2022 chart above, set for Washington, D.C., my eyes went immediately to the grouping of three planets plus Chiron in Aries: Moon, Jupiter, Chiron, and Mars. Aries signifies ignition, initiation, new beginnings.

In the current personal, interpersonal, group, national, and global context, I see these energies as signifying formerly denied, repressed, and now increasingly active fiery energy operating on Earth. What was formerly consternation, pent-up anger, frustration, buried fury — due originally to what is being documented more and more thoroughly as an utterly fraudulent 2020 presidential election, an historic coup that threatens to obliterate the constitutional foundations of this Republic — is about to turn nuclear.

Remember: as an astrologer, I knew the years between 2022 and 2025 would be a tumultuous period, signifying either death or death and rebirth, for the United states. Why? Because Pluto is now returning to the degree it occupied in the U.S. Chart when it was born on July 4, 1776.

This country is currently being dismantled by a globalist cabal that knows: if they can take down the U.S., then their long-planned design for a technocratic, authoritarian New World Order will be complete. And those of us who are aware of this insidious globalist plot know, the only thing preventing them from a complete takeover is the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution. And we know that what they call “gun control” is, in reality, citizen disarmament.

Since January 20, 2021, we have witnessed the seemingly demented Buyden administration opening the holes in the wall of our southern border and using financial and other incentives to encourage the increased flow of millions of undocumented, unvetted “aliens,” some of whom are criminals, who traffic children, drugs, and so on. We are aware on a daily basis of continuous, historic  inflation as cabal puppet Buyden sends 55 billion dollars to be laundered through the deep state’s KEYSTONE, Ukraine. We’re aware of both innocents from January 6th rotting in a D.C. gulag while Pelosi’s Jan 6 clown show functions as yet a third (failing) impeachment attempt to get rid of Trump. We witness the pending Supreme Court reversal of Roe vs. Wade, while protestors threaten the Justices in their family homes. And it’s not just abortion that is at issue. We are increasingly aware of the multi-pronged war against children: lockdowns, masks, isolation, the vax, resulting in clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, even death; and now, this poisonous “vax” has been released for children as young as 6 months old! Then there’s the Uvalde false flag that sacrificed 19 children while the police stood outside for 77 minutes, not even trying the likely unlocked door; the school indoctrination of children into CRT divisiveness, plus the overtly sexual content taught to children as young as three, as well as the subtle grooming of children via drag queen shows; not to mention the permitted, even celebrated, proliferating, divisive LGBT+ “identity” branding, confusion, and even biological, surgical and chemical gender reversal —on and on. And all this increasingly fractious and fractionating “identity politics” is celebrated as “politically correct” by “social justice warriors.”

And please do notice, just how many of these issues have to do with children. It does seem that the subjects of pedophilia, child trafficking, SRA, adrenochrome, etc., are now coming out in the open, after being buried or relegated to “conspiracy theory” status for so long. And that especially the grooming, is being promoted in a determined attempt to both hypersexualize children as well as “normalize” pedophilia criminals into merely MAP (Minor Attracted Persons).

So yes. This Summer Solstice features ARIES. Fiery energy!! Fury! Burn the place down! Strong feelings held on both sides of the political aisle, with some on the extreme left already violent, and proud of it, during this PRIDE month. (As I saw somewhere on Telegram: “Okay, now I’ve got one deadly sin; what about the other six?”)

And now, this. Will Obama? Soros? pay Antifa and BLM activists to join them?

This Summer Solstice is bound to signify touch-and-go, or maybe I should say “torch-and-go”, with fiery energies ramping up as Moon crosses expansive Jupiter about six hours after sunrise.

Then, it may be that the two following days — as Moon crosses first Chiron (the wound and the healing of the wound) and then, finally, transits over Aries-ruled Mars, will tell the tale of what actually IS ignited during this Solstice culmination. Will Mars crossing Chiron open hearts, stir up courage in those who have feared, so far, to step up and take action? And will their courageous action begin to redirect the fiery energy from mindlessly destructive to mindfully creative as Moon crosses Chiron, and then Mars?

While the above feels inflammatory, please note also that, during this same Solstice period, loving Venus at 28° in stable, earthy Taurus exactly trines Pluto at 28° Capricorn! Will the energy of love move the primal energy of Pluto into not just death of the old but rebirth regeneration?

Venus also squares Saturn in Aquarius, although that energy is waning. Might we infer that the blockages that prevent love from spreading are now dissolving?

Note that I set the Solstice chart for Washington D.C., where the Ascendant is in communicative Gemini. This, coupled with Mercury, itself occupies 7° Gemini, only 1° from exactly and harmoniously sextiling expansive Jupiter in Aries. Both the fury and the increasing awareness in the collective unconscious has been fed by continuous tsunamis of new information on systemic corruption, at every level, spilling out, with seemingly no end in sight. (Some of which I itemize, above.)

Jean Hudon has posted a wonderfully thoughtful essay, to accompany his recorded meditation for this Summer Solstice. This essay very much resonates with what I find in the Summer Solstice chart. Let us all pause here, to read EVERY SINGLE WORD from this selfless paragon who has been one of the pioneers of synchronized global meditations (which started with the Harmonic Convergence in August, 1987). Because Hudon is so right. Everything depends on us, on our intent, how we utilize the fiery energy at our disposal NOW. And remember: WWG1WGA.

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