THE MODERN WORLD EXPLAINED? Five psychological experiments, the film Monopoly, and ET crop circle

If you’re like me, still somewhat astonished that the entire world seemed to shift into F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) almost instantaneously in the spring of 2020’s rollout of the Covid Con, you might want to watch the five videos in the post below that explain how psychological experiments utilizing a number of people all show how our instinct for cooperation can be turned against us; given enough pressure, or instruction, cooperation can be inverted into conformity, no matter how ludicrous, or sado-masocistic the result.

And, I might add, that includes the Covid Con argument that we should get the jab because we want to protect others.

Five Psychological Experiments That Explain the Modern World


Those who specialize in the manipulation of the human mind — whether they be advertisers, academics, psychiatrists, politicians, or priests, themselves tend to be manipulated, by those above them, and that layer by those above them, etc., until we get to the top of the pyramid, and indeed, there does appear to be a nearly invisible pyramid of corporate control that rules the world.

In its first 30 out of a total 103 minutes, the tightly edited film Monopoly demonstrates that Blackrock and Vanguard sit atop the corporate “institutional investment” pyramid, with the result, they own just about everything that you don’t grow or resource yourself from the Earth, and/or share or trade with neighbors and friends who also choose to live, as far as possible, below money, in attunement with the natural world. Remember: nature herself does not use money. Money is a human invention, a scrim atop nature, all too often blinding us to the infinitely nourishing capacity of what lies beneath.

This Monopoly film . . .

. . . itself does a superb job of describing how, using the internet search function, one can figure out that there is indeed an unseen, unnoticed corporate pyramid, and that these two firms, Blackrock and Vanguard, occupy its tippy-top. The major shareholders who benefit from this ownership monopoly constitute not just the 1%, but the .001%.

Given the pyramidal ownership structure, Monopoly also makes it clear just how the Covid Con could be rolled out, all at once, all over the world. 

And yet, is that the top? Perhaps not.


The famous (and real) crop circle with a binary code and extraterrestrial face


Getting back to the corporate pyramid (which, you must admit, no matter how large and seemingly all-encompassing, suddenly looks merely mundane when confronted with this phenomenal crop circle mystery) . . .

Unfortunately, Monopoly was only able to devote the final 5 minutes to measures we can take to make sure the corporate push for total control does not succeed.

And yet, we, who have been thinking on these matters for decades know the rest. And they all revolve around decentralization, localization, inside thee home, inside the neeighborhood, inside the town — with horizontal networking of independent sovereign beings and collaborative groups, all working with Earth herself as Mother and Mentor.

And, I’d venture to say, let us assume contact with other dimensions as well — through dreams, intuition, synchronicities, and so on and on . . .

We are not alone in this universe.

We are all-one with the infinitely mysterious whole.


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