See yesterday’s post.

Here’s the post that I wanted to do yesterday, but got waylaid by my body’s needs. (I’m getting better, the blood vessels in my hand again visible . . .)

I’m going to focus on astrology, the astrology of three different times in that storied day:

9 AM: when the raid began

10 AM: when the search warrant was (not) delivered to Trump’s attorney

7:18 PM: when Trump announced the raid


But first, check out BioClandestine, who put up a new substack post yesterday evening, after waiting the requisite 48 hours: he’s decided that his (and my, and many others’)  first instinct was correct.



A bit of “corroborating evidence”: the texting number Trump was using prior to the raid on the Lion’s Gate was 88022 . . . He knew what was coming down, and when. That doesn’t prove that he set it up, however. But: that would be in character. After all, Trump is obsessed with getting revenge.

But of course, we may be wrong. it may have been a deep state/DNC OP, trying to get something, something, but what, by ransacking the MAL (Odd, that Mar-A-Lago is beginning to be referred to that way. MAL etymology: “bad, evil, disease”). Something that would implicate the FBI? Something that would ruin the Jan 6 sham investigation? Something about Epstein, Obama, Clinton, Hunter, the Big Guy, etc.? On and on; and the consensus of the deep state OP interpretation seems to be that whatever Trump supposedly has, was revealed by “two sources,” supposedly moles working within the MAL. Could be! Or, if they do exist, might they be double agents?

And especially, all the deep state op theories seem to be driven by one question: why on earth would the FBI risk complete disaster by performing such a heinous — banana republic, stazi, KGB, third world — act, one guaranteed to shock the entire world and lock all eyes on Trump and his antagonistic relationship with, and need to utterly eradicate, for all time, the pedophilia infested deep state swamp?


On and on. But let’s stick, for a moment, with the “facts.”

From reading widely, various sources, it appears that:

• The staff was instructed by Trump attorneys to let the FBI in and give them free rein. 30 agents, with armed guards standing outside.

• The ordeal lasted from 9 AM to around 6:30 PM; the staff and attorney were told to go outside (in hot sun) and remain there until the raid was done; the staff was told to turn off the security cameras, which they DID NOT DO (according to Eric Trump, who was present) — I am curious: did the staff actually refuse, or did they just surreptitiously not do it. In any case, it meant that FBI agents were likely caught on video if they planted any so-called evidence.

• When the warrant was delivered, the Trump attorney was not allowed to keep it, nor even to read it, except from ten feet away!

• They riffled through, indeed mauled, the intimacy of Melania’s personal closet!

• They brought in a safecracker to open that (empty) safe that, obviously, they expected to find full of something they wanted, bad.

Then there’s all the scuttlebutt about Reinhart, the scuzzy judge who signed off on the search warrant, his deep connections with Epstein, and so on; we hear more and more about that as the days crawl by.

And there’s the question of how did the trap, if it was a trap, ensnare? (The supposed “moles” as double agents?) How did Trump lure in the FBI to raid MAL on the very date the Lion’s Gate opened?  Moreover, once again, what would have possessed the FBI to think that actually raiding the residence of a (former?) president was a good idea? Does desperation breed stupidity? Besides being utterly unprecedented, and totally unconstitutional, the optics, as they say now, were terrible for the flailing Democrats not even three months prior to the 2022 elections. In fact, as a result of the utter shock of the FBI raid, here’s who is being motivated to vote:

For the GOP alone:

Plus, Eric Trump said Trump “shattered” fund raising records the day after the raid. 

I wonder how many still sane Democrats finally jumped ship from the geriatric, destructive Buy-den regime that supposedly now has only an 11-12% approval rating (see Armstrong interview below) . . .



Okay, now to the charts. What I look for especially is the timing of when planets cross over the angles of the chart, i.e., when planets are located on the cusps of the first, 4th, 7th and 10th houses. These cusps, moving clockwise one degree every four minutes, during a 24-hour rotation of the earth on its axis, show when the chart’s inner energetic patterns are actually timed to express into the world.



(In fact, two days ago, when I began to look at this situation astrologically, I knew the raid started “in the morning,” i.e., not early morning or late morning, so I figured between 9 and 10. So I set up charts for 9 AM, 9:30 AM and 10 AM. The three charts led me to decide that the actual event started at 10 AM. (See next chart.)

But meanwhile, even with this 9:00 AM chart: check out the nearly exact square between Moon in Sag and Neptune in Pisces. What’s going on? Emotional and philosophical Moon in Sagitarius, in friction with intensely confusing, disturbing Neptune in Pisces. Moon in 4th house of the home; Neptune as the confusing 7th house Other.

Moon 27° Sagittarius, moving one degree every two hours, conjuncts the Galactic Center exactly, the degree that signifies the most expanded view of this solar system. In other words the unannounced appearance of 30 agents at the door of the MAL at around 9 AM shattered not only custom and convention, but what anyone thought was possible in a constitutional republic.

Virgo Ascendant. Worries, details, get to work, analyze, figure it out, etc.

By far the most striking configuration re: the inner dynamics (not yet expressed) of this chart is the still disruptive Mars/Uranus/North Node in Taurus (see recent posts) square Saturn in Aquarius, itself beginning oppose the Sun at 16° Leo, in other words, the Sun just about to make an exact T-square with the other planets above. The Sun moves at the rate of one degree per day; which means, I’d say, that the next few days would illuminate (Sun) the disruptive event (this illumination is indeed occurring).

All day long, during the opening of the Lion’s Gate, Venus in Cancer (love of home, money, values) opposed Pluto in Capricorn (powerful deep state controls breaking up during these agonizing/liberating years (2008-2025), and these two also happened to work harmoniously (sextile and trine) with the Mars/Uranus/North Node/Saturn/Sun T-cross. So a powerful internalized configuration operating all day long that involved, all together, six planets and the nodes.




Okay. Notice how the Moon/Neptune square, which I spoke of above, has now reached the angles. Moon at the root point, exactly, and Neptune on the Descendant near exact. That puts the emotional and philosophical confusion, the world-view uprooting Moon in philosophical Sagittarius at the bottom of the chart, the root, the very symbol of home base. Square that confusing/deceptive Neptune on the Descendant. Yes the search warrant was delivered, but Trump’s attorney was not allowed to read it, or to be given a copy of it, but instead, only to view it from ten feet away.

The main chart configuration, however, remains internalized.




Trump announces the raid when the most powerful energetic signature of the chart, the Mars/Uranus/North Node focus of the T-cross square both Saturn and the Sun (amped by Venus/Pluto), reached the root point, also called the nadir, or the IC: an earthquake, shattering from below, the world we have known.

That put the South Node, opposite, at the Midheaven, in Scorpio, spotlighting the depths of corruption being unearthed at the bottom via the raid.

Also, at 7:18 PM, the Ascendent had moved into Aquarius, near the Saturn/Sun opposition:  Serious business (Saturn) operating at a collective level (Aquarius), opposed to a singular Leo figure (Trump).

Of course there’s more, there’s always so much more. But this date, which occurred on the 48th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974, now has an even more powerful echo.


BTW: you might want to pay attention to an interview with Martin Armstrong, who sees this shattering event as the culminating death knell for both our constitution and our country. Plus, he tells us, republics only live for about 250 years! I just looked it up; so do, it appears, centralized structures of any kind. (Search “empires only live 250 years” on duck duck go). In other words, one Pluto cycle! No matter how we humans attempt to structure a fair, balanced, somewhat centralized system immune to being gradually undermined by Plutonian corruption, that appears impossible, given the human tendency to personal greed, power, control. 

True? I have no idea. I prefer, while observing the worst in a detached manner, to be one of the sovereign souls at one with all, who aims to consciously overcome my own tendency to personal greed, power, control while expressing my own unique nature fearlessly into the world — creating a new world, not repeating the old.

Please join me! Let’s prove history wrong!





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