UKRAINE, the STING, and the demise of the DEEP STATE?

John F

I very much appreciated yesterday’s X22 Report’s assessment of the geopolitical game being played in the Ukraine. Indeed, I even listened to it twice!



Ukraine is a Money-Laundering Machine for the Deep State

It does seem obvious to me that martial artist Vladimir Putin runs circles around the inept, demented fake Biden regime.


As far as I can ascertain, Dave of X22 was among the first to claim that the multilayered, 5D movie we are watching — and which each of us, in our own way, consciously or unconsciously, now participates in —  is the most extensive, gigantic, and long-running sting operation in the history of the world.


From the X22 Report and other sources, here’s my proposed summation:

The sting began with the Kennedy assassination, when a military group called Q, who had functioned as advisors to President Kennedy, a group that eventually included JFK Jr. when he grew up, decided to enact a long-running plan to bring down the shadow government that had brutally, in cold blood, and broadcast instantly to the entire world, assassinated Kennedy, and then covered it up with the Warren Investigation.


Kennedy Jr. and Donald J. Trump were (are? is JFK Jr alive?) friends.

If my dear


In 2016, billionaire businessman Donald Trump was invited by the Q team  to run for president, to serve as the figurehead who would appear to lead the final phases of the deep state takedown. Why Trump? 1) because he has genius intelligence, with deep wide experience in big business, running, while stone cold sober, in corrupt circles without being bribed by money or blackmailed by pedophilia, while helping the FBI take down the mafia in NYC in the ’80s and the Florida prosecution of Epstein in 2009; and 2) because he has an unusually dominant, indefatigible personality that can “gladly take all the slings and arrows” while remaining steadfast in the mission.

The enigmatic “Q” transmissions, that began in late October 2017 during his first year in office and continued for over three years, were aimed, according to Juan O Savin, at then late teen-aged gamers familiar with 4-chan and later 8-chan, to guide them to dig for answers to pertinent strings of questions and to cooperate with each other in their investigations. With this educational project, the Q team incubated a mostly young “digital army” of “anons” now come of age, and flourishing, all over the internet, flush with clues as to how to uncover and decode/analyze the information needed to counteract fake news promoted by the propaganda arm of the deep state in this final war, World War 3, which will be won, not by guns, but by the synergistic collaboration of awakened minds and open hearts.

Trump’s Truth Social platform, now in beta testing, will bring them together, plus draw from and educate all of us,  while bypassing, and in the process, destroying, both the corrupt legacy media and much of social media, during the protracted, agonizing finale to this vast sting operation. Now that the heroic Canadian truckers have exposed WEF puppet Trudeau’s tyranny and inspired a global trucker movement, the focus shifts from Canada to the Ukraine.

(Aside: it just occurred to me, that the young anons cultivated by the Q team are the counterpoint to the WEF Schwab’s Young Global Leaders, in that both are used to infiltrate. The first, via the medium of invisibly shifting the collective frequency; the second, by visibly occupying “positions of power.” Tell me, which, ultimately, is more effective? Remember the old adage: “read between the lines.” Or, to focus more microscopically: notice the “space” within which any “point” occupies; and, notice the space between any two points: Which is larger, the spaces or the points? Note: since a point itself has no dimension, the number of points in any space is infinite! But I digress. Or do I?)

Yes, Ukraine looms increasingly front and center, with legacy media and the Biden regime revving up the usual fear porn formula, moving on from paltry covid, to the big one, the monster lurking in the basement of the collective unconscious since Hiroshima, 1945: nuclear war. So familiar, this usually buried F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)!

Remember: the deep state always uses fear in its attempts to beguile, corral, control, force, and ultimately, as now, to maim, weaken, sicken and/or kill off, i.e., depopulate (via the vax), the majority of 7 billion people, while enslaving 500 “lucky?” million roboticized survivors, to serve their “elite” masters “in perpetual balance with nature.”


Finally, the Ukraine drama will expose the long-standing Biden criminal operations there, implicating the Obama administration and further fueling exposure (or is it explosure?) of the 2020 U.S. election steal which, if my and others’ understanding of this sting operation is accurate, Trump knew would take place even as he rode down the elevator with Melania.

On the other hand, it’s wise to remain aware, centered, and prepared for action, if necessary.





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