Mid-November 2023, Meme Trail . . .

  Frankly, I’m astonished and grateful that we are still here, intact, at least in my town, my neighborhood. As if the accelerating chaos enveloping the planet does not exist! I still do

On this morning’s -18° F wind chilled walk, I bow down in gratitude

  Walking this morning, without puppy Shadow, except for.a brief foray for him to poop. He was way too reluctant, in this extreme cold, -1° F, with wind chill plunging to -18° F. But me! I r

From Loneliness to All-Oneness: HOW?

  And what do I mean by loneliness? I mean feeling that you’re all alone in allowing yourself to absorb the horrors (both real and fake, past, present and future) that are now (and as us

My Post-Thanksgiving Vigil . . .

For the first time in many many years, I hosted a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, inviting all and sundry on my mail list who had nowhere else to go. Nine people total. We had a wonderful time. An

Reflections on 911, 22 years later

Of course I remember where I was on that day and that hour. The moment someone called and told me to turn on the TV. Of course I remember where I was on November 22, 1963 also. THAT was my wake-up