Pluto enters Aquarius TODAY. What to expect?

Overall influence of Pluto moving from staid, conservative, structured, traditional Capricorn, to loose, wild, chaotic, networked, innovative Aquarius — well, what do YOU think it is? Remember, P

MY (Liverish) Pluto in Aquarius Meme-ish April 2023

  As Pluto in Aquarius ignites (for the first time in 248 years, a brief taste now, March 23 through June 11) . . . “elevating” us to (only/merely) our (left brain?) minds; as we f

As Pluto moves into Aquarius, Will AI Take Over?

It sure looks like it, eh? Watch this until the very end. New AI filter rolled out on tiktok. ? — Laura Matsue (@lauramatsue) March 4, 2023 Laura Matsue also create

Pluto in Aquarius: FREE FALL! (Will we learn to fly?)

  I was going to post a video from Greg Reese re: the origin and function of the banking system, currently undergoing slow-rolling de-materialization as I write this. And I guess I still will,

PLUTO IN AQUARIUS ACTIVATES. Despite appearances, are we all, underneath, of inherent value?

How far are we from Bill Hicks vision? Are the many horrors we are enduring now — as death/rebirth Pluto begins its first, short tumultuous jaunt into mental, zany, wild, individualistic, innovat

PLUTO STRUTS ITS STUFF, and believe it or not, we can be mighty glad

  This from Kathleen Devanney’s newsletter: IT’S GONNA BE MESSY: But Humans Win Yes, the first ever Pluto Return to its natal place in the U.S. chart has, with great suffering and

Saturn reached Pluto in January 2020; what happened next? FEAR PORN.

That fear porn is still on the loose, though very vaguely, and due to completely disappear when Pluto makes its final move from Capricorn into Aquarius, later this year. In March 2020, nearly four

Will the Ultimate Result of Pluto’s Return (to its own natal place) be to DISUNITE the STATES?

  Pluto’s Return to its natal place from where it stood on July 4 1776 and the Declaration of Independence, which I, and many others use as the birthdate of the U.S.A., occurred at 27°3